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3. vampires

2. Peppermint Schnapps

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon and Karyn suck

on 2022-05-20 09:56:00
Episode last modified by Thisisnota Realname on 2022-05-20 12:10:46

556 hits, 82 views, 0 upvotes.

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“I wish Karyn and I would be vampires.”

Jon rushed into the bathroom across the hall and his fears were confirmed. He had no reflection in the mirror. His clothes were just floating there in the mirror image as if he was the invisible man. Of course it stood to reason it should not affect his clothes, but then again, it didn’t really make any sense at all. He rushed back into his room and got his laser pointer. He shined the red dot on his hand. He went back to the mirror, and held his hand up and pointed the laser dot at it. His hand stopped the laser beam, but also didn’t. In the reflection there was no hand to stop it and the red dot was reflected back to him by the mirror and landed on his shirt. Jon looked at his chest and sure enough there was the laser dot on his chest but also on his hand. If his hand stopped the laser beam, where did the second beam originate from, was the mirror creating it out of nothing?

Well anyway, he could worry about all that later. The big concern was Karyn. Speaking of optical experiments with vampires, did they indeed have a big problem with sunlight? Jon went to the other side of the house where the sunlight was coming in through one window, gritted his teeth and touched the beam with his right index finger. Nothing happened. He held his finger in the sunbeam and there was no pain.

“Oh, ok. I guess it’s ok then AAAIEEE!!!!” he began calmly and then shrieked when his finger caught on fire. There still was no pain but it was clearly engulfed in flames. He pulled it back and the fire went out, and his finger smoked for a few seconds. It did not seem to be injured in any way. Maybe that meant as a vampire he had healing abilities but only up to a point. But what about Karyn!? Since she was out of hearing range, she would think she was always a vampire and would already know to stay out of sunlight without being warned, but that was no help if she had actually been outside the moment he had made the wish!

Jon raced for the phone to call Karyn.

“What’s up?” she answered.

“Oh, you’re safe. Whew. I was calling, to make sure you were safe. I was afraid you had gotten into sunlight.”

“Oh you silly,” Karyn said back. “You’re always worried about me. I know what will cheer you up. Tonight let’s go out and kill some people. We haven’t done that in a while.”

“…what…” Jon said.

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