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3. Talk to Sarah

2. Karyn's POV

1. You Are What You Wish

An Uncomfortable Conversation

on 2008-02-29 00:04:03

2222 hits, 69 views, 1 upvotes.

Age Anthro Aware MC Magic SciFi

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Picking up my trapper keeper, I decided it was time to head home. If I didn't get home soon, or at least call, my family would start to worry. As I started walking, feeling a little more confident, I noticed in the distance, three girls sitting on the grass in their cheerleader uniforms.

It Queen Bitch Sarah McMillan and two of her cheerleading flunkies. I tried to turn, but it was too late. Sarah, apparently noticing me out of the corner of her eye, motioned for me to walk over there...

I thought about turning around and trying to get out of there. I mean, this whole situation was already uncomfortable enough, emotionally and physically. Still, something about the way they were looking at me made me stop. Sarah was actually smiling, and not her usually bitchy smile. This one was genuine. As I got closer I recognized her cohorts as Alicia Samson, and Chloe Jensen. They were the only two girls in the school who came close to Sarah in the bitch race. Strangely enough they all seemed to be waving for me to come over.

"Karyn!" I heard Sarah shout. "Come over and join us for a moment." I was surprised. There was no malice or superiority in her voice. She even patted the ground next to her for emphasis. What could I do? Slowly, not letting my guard down for a minute, I walked over to them.

As I sat down, they each lit a cigarette. Sarah offered me one, but I declined. I'd always felt it was a disgusting habit. Surprisingly the blond seemed a little surprised. "First you skip cheerleading, and now you're not gonna smoke with us either." She paused as she inhaled. "I have to say Kare, we're all a little worried about you."

Holy shit. So my wish had done more than changed my appearance. Now I was a cheerleader too! Can't say I was to excited about that. On top of that, I was apparently friends with the three biggest bitches in the school. Can't say I was to excited about that either.

"Just haven't been feeling well lately," I said lamely.

"No need to lie Kare, we saw you talking to Jon again today."

What the hell did Jon have to do with anything? "So..."

"Well, aside from the fact that the more time you spend talking to him, the faster your elevator dives down the popularity shaft, we're afraid for you."

I wasn't sure which was more troubling, the idea that I should be afraid of Jon, or the look of total sincerity on Sarah's face. As I looked, Chloe and Alicia simply nodded.

I actually couldn't help but laugh. "Jon? You think I need to be afraid of Jon? Why the hell should I be scared of him?"

"Look Kare, we're your friends. I know you've known Jon a long time, and that's why we don't make a big deal out of the fact that you talk to him, but we've been watching and he is like totally obsessed with you Karyn. We're afraid he might..."

"Okay," I said, standing up. "I've had enough of this. You're right, I've known Jon for a long time. Longer than any of you. First off, he's not into me. I'm sure I would know if he were. Second, Jon would never do anything to hurt me. I can't even imagine that."

"Karyn, don't be mad," Sarah said stubbing her cigarette out on the ground. "We only want what's best for you. Remember what happened before spring break..."

By now I was walking away. I couldn't believe what they'd been suggesting. It was ridiculous. Jon and I had been friends forever. We'd never want to do anything that might jeopardize that. He'd certainly never do anything to put me in danger.

What about spring break?

By the time I realized what I'd heard, I was already half way home. I thought about stopping by Jon's on the way...

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