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4. yandere level over 9000?

3. saiyans

2. Peppermint Schnapps

1. You Are What You Wish

tsundere or yandere?

on 2022-05-20 19:25:13

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As negatively as the situation seemed to be turning, the fact that Karyn actually had a valid reason to have a grudge against Jon made him hopeful. It meant that saiyan Karyn was probably not in fact a psychopath as Jon had first suspected. It sounded like she had been humiliated and yet was willing to live and let live so long as Jon didn’t breach her “territory”. Maybe she was even the reasonable one given the circumstances.

Unfortunately they were circumstances Jon was ignorant of. He was at a severe disadvantage not just in power but the fact that he didn’t actually remember rejecting her and didn’t know any of the details surrounding it since the one to do it was the alternate version of Jon who had been saiyan all his life. What happened to that version of him anyway? Jon wondered, did he never exist, or is it the way I remember it the thing that never existed, or was it a multiverse situation? If it was a multiverse situation then was the originally saiyan Jon living in a still other universe, perhaps the one I came from?

Unfortunately this version of Jon didn’t have time to pursue these questions as there was an urgent matter at hand. “Karyn, I know you’re upset, and I think you may have every right to be, but, I never meant to hurt you, I definitely never meant to humiliate you, and actually I like you, but I just didn’t think I was ready for that sort of thing. Just not at that time. Is that ok? I just wanted to start as friends, that doesn’t mean I don’t want more than that at some point, just, just, I didn’t want to be, racing, into anything too fast, maybe, if that’s all right?”

Had he defused the situation? Made it marginally better? Made it worse? He didn’t even know.

At first she looked like she might have been even angrier and possibly about to go to SSJ3. And then the look in her eyes softened. And then she started crying. Was that a win or a loss? Jon didn’t even have a guess.

“I knew you loved me!” Karyn cried, rapidly closing the distance to Jon and then with great restraint against her capacity to exert billions of pounds per square inch of pressure, wrapping her arms around him with a delicate balance of force, before kissing him deeply. Her tail slithered its way into his baggy pants and gently wrapped and spiraled around his own.

Ok, this version of Karyn, maybe is not so bad, he thought, enjoying the kiss and hugging her back with his limited strength. Super Karyn was actually pretty darn cute, really.

“I’ll admit I maybe overstepped some boundaries when I demanded you marry me in front of the whole school.”

“Oh. Well. As long as you see that now…” Jon said. Is that what happened? Well, there were certainly worse possible fates than that, and all’s well that ends well.

“And I might have also crossed some more boundaries when I flew us up 2 miles and forced you to make love with me under the threat of dropping you. I know that rape is bad, but I think you have to admit, you enjoyed every moment of it. I made you come inside me twice after just 5 minutes after all.”

“Oh. Um. Yeah. I mean. A lot can certainly happen in 5 minutes. Sometimes it can seem like a whole lot longer that 5 minutes. And. We all. Make mistakes. But there’s no way, I would not, find such an experience, enjoyable, just, you know, it would be nice, if you asked first if it was ok, before doing that.” To be honest, the prospect sounded pretty damn appealing to Jon. To be perfectly honest, he kind of would like nothing more than for her to do it to him right then. What would that be like? But didn’t that mean she would in fact be pregnant then?

”And I probably also overstepped some lines when I said I would blow up the planet if you ever even looked at another girl.”

“…Uh, well you know what they say, about all being fair in love and war.”

“No, what do they say?” Karyn said so innocently with her luminescent blue eyes.

“They say, that all is fair, um, in love and war.”

“You know that I love you though, right?” Karyn said.

“…… Obviously. Anyone can see that.”

“Well ok then. Apology accepted. But don’t ever think of leaving me.”

“Do you want to do, that thing, by any chance, where you fly us 2 miles in the air?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” she smiled sweetly. “This time, I’ll give you 10 minutes.”

“You’re actually going to impose a time limit?” Jon asked, building up some reasonable apprehension.

“I’m sure you’ll complete your task before your time runs out. You did last time after all. Just like last time, 2 for you, and 4 for me. You have double the time this time so it should be easy. But don’t forget, if you fail, I will drop you.”

Jon was fairly sure about one thing at least, he was about to have the best 10 minutes of his life. Hopefully they wouldn’t be the last. Well even if it went badly, they wouldn’t exactly be the last 10 minutes, since from a height of 2 miles, it would probably take an additional 2 minutes to get down.

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