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3. It the year 2058(5)

2. Jon's Immortality

1. You Are What You Wish

Wakeing up

on 2008-03-08 04:25:05

617 hits, 8 views, 0 upvotes.

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Jon slowly awoke He wondered how long it had been scince he fell asleap.

He got out his SIN and checked the date March 8 2058 two years.

Slowly he got up shakeing the cobbwebs out of his brain he thout for the millionth time that that wish was a bad idea. "Atlest I had been smart enoughf to wish to controle the age I physically look"

Jon exersized for the rest of that day befor desideing wat to do next.

"I guss it's time to start pan zeta"

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