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4. completing the look

3. Karen asks for a little sanity

2. A slip of the tongue...

1. You Are What You Wish

completing the look

on 2022-05-22 15:17:28
Episode last modified by Thisisnota Realname on 2022-05-22 19:42:46

776 hits, 100 views, 0 upvotes.

Age FTP Musc Omni Part Theft Unaware

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Karyn's thoughts reeled at the fact she was now a werewolf. At first she was afraid she would lose her mind and go on a killing rampage. Any moment she expected to lose herself.

The seconds ticked by. She had calmed down a bit. She walked into her bathroom and looked in the mirror. She despaired a bit at her appearance now.

"What the hell am I going to do now. You know what," she said to herself, looking herself over. "If I'm stuck looking like this, there's one thing missing. Honestly, I'd look better with a tail. Seriously what's the point of being a werewolf if I don't even get a damn tail out of the deal. All right. I wish I had a huge wolf tail as part of my body."

Her new tail slithered down. She practiced wagging it. "Hmm. Well, it's still seems smallish in proportion to the rest of me. I wish my tail was, hmm, 50, no 100%, no, 200% larger than this, and very fluffy. Might as well, since once I specify its size exactly I can't change it any further since that would be undoing a wish."

Her tail grew longer and fluffier. She swished it a bit, admiring it. Even though her body had greatly increased in size, at 6 feet of length, and fluffed up to a diameter of 3 and a half feet at its widest point, it looked a bit large for her even now, but strangely adorable. "At least that's the one thing that's cute about me," she said rather sadly. "What am I going to do now though." She didn't figure she had much of a future any more. "Wait a minute. Here's a stupid idea. I wish, I had a werewolf user's manual, or guidebook, on my desk in my bedroom."

She left the bathroom and quietly padded into her bedroom like a cat. So to speak. A big book was on her desk just as asked. It said "Being a werewolf doesn't make you a monster. Written by Keanu Reeves." Well that gave her pause. Might as well give her pause since she had paws. No, that wasn't fair, they were more like hands. But she opened it with her big pawlike hands, being careful not to tear it with her enhanced strength. "No wonder he ages so well," she mumbled to herself.

"Chapter 1. So you're a werewolf. What now?"

She read on. It told her about her traits and abilities. It mentioned shapeshifting being somewhat under her control. It didn't elaborate on that. So she looked in the table of contents. "Chapter 7. Returning to human form." really stood out.

She flipped forward to chapter 7. "Werewolves are capable of a number of physical transformations, but the most important one is generally simply a return to human form. Returning to human form is actually fairly easy. All you have to do is look at the moon in a corrupted form, to eliminate its 'fullness' characteristic. Most werewolves keep a pair of sunglasses with them, as looking at the moon while wearing shaded sunglasses accomplishes this forthwith. Remember, being a werewolf is not a curse. You can continue to live the way you want to, when you want to."

"What the hell. That's it?" she said to herself.

She rifled through her closet and found her sunglasses. She had never used them. She slipped them on and looked at the moon. Who could have guessed, all a werewolf had to do the change back to normal was look cool while looking at the moon by wearing sunglasses. She was ecstatic as her body returned to normal, even the unappealing body hair disappearing. Except for one little thing. Or rather, one not so little thing. Specifically, one 6 foot long thing.

"Ahhh, crap," she said. She could have completely changed back for normal if she hadn't whimsically wished for the stupid tail! She walked back to the bathroom, her huge tail dusting the floor behind her at first, until she lifted it off the ground. She found she had to lean nearly 20 degrees forward to stay balanced if it was lifted off the ground. Well, there was one silver lining to this, which was, though she couldn't make it smaller, she could still make it lighter, so it didn't have to throw off her balance like this. She looked herself over in the mirror. "At least it's cute," she said, wagging her enormous tail. But this was a big damn problem! What should she do next?

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