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4. the next day

3. identical twins

2. Peppermint Schnapps

1. You Are What You Wish

the next day, the many sisters living together….

on 2022-05-25 19:54:01
Episode last modified by Thisisnota Realname on 2022-05-25 23:57:12

612 hits, 89 views, 2 upvotes.

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“Karyn, don’t… go in there,” Jon said to her.

“Why not?”

“Well, you know, Josie and, the other Karyn are in there.” Jon said. Between Jon and Karyn, they used their original names, but to the rest of the world, they were now Jessie and Sophia. Ironically it was easier for Jon to adapt to her new name than Karyn. Sure, Jessie was a girl’s name, but it was also occasionally not, and at least it was similar to Jon, and honestly it would have probably been weirder for her to continue to go around being known as Jon despite being undeniably female now. Karyn however didn’t know how much longer she could stand being known as Sophia. But of course no parents would name two of their quadruplets the same thing, so it was inevitable that one of the Karyns would suffer a name change.

“Well good, there’s something I wanted to ask them,” Karyn/Sophia said, opening the door and walking in. “The hell?” she said, at seeing the light was off, so she flicked it on. On then there was almost 10 seconds of awkward dead silence as Sophia slowly backed out of the room and closed the door. Inside, Josie and the other Karyn were speechless in embarrassment. Sophia stood there not saying anything.

“I tried to warn you. They, deserve some privacy, don’t you think?”

“They’re, they’re sisters, right?” Sophia asked. “They didn’t start out as unrelated best friends like us, right?”

“Don’t ask me how their relationship became as it is.” Jessie replied. “I wasn’t there for it either.”

And to Jessie’s surprise, Sophia started crying. “Whoa, I didn’t know you were so offended by that sort of thing Karyn, I’m kind of surprised. Is it because it’s incest or because it’s gay, or both? Of course it kind of doesn’t matter of it’s incest if it can’t result in preg…”

“Neither!” Karyn interrupted angrily, before whispering “That’s not why I’m bothered by it!”

“Oh?” Jessie asked.

“It’s because they’re doing that while you and I… I mean, we missed our chance. I missed my chance. I never made a move on you. I’m going to be honest with you, Jon, honey, I don’t know why I never did anything, I guess I was always hoping you would do something and I’d have an excuse to just go along with it. But I always wanted to be more than friends.”

“Well we still can,” Jon said with a smirk. “We can just do what they’re doing any time you want! Did you think I’d be against that? Because I’ll tell you, I wouldn’t be!”

“I’m not going to have lesbian sex with myself, even if it’s you in that body Jon…”

“Think of it as masturbation then.”


“Come on Karyn. You know why I never crossed that line before in the first place? Because I thought you were a lesbian! How’s that for irony!”


“How about this. Since we never crossed any lines like that, any intimacy lines, not 2nd, not 1st base, how about we ease into it. Like what if we had a shower together for starters? We don’t have to do anything you don’t want in there, it will just be to become more comfortable with each other. Would that be so bad?”

“Well… it’s certainly nothing I haven’t seen before,” Sophia admitted.

“There you go. We’re going to be twin sisters for a long time after all, hopefully. It would be pretty unfortunate if we just had a dark cloud hanging over us for 100 years, don’t you think? Do you think we should wallow in self pity and obsess what we might have been like if we were still as we were? That’s certainly not what I want. Honestly this would kind of be a dream come true for me if you would go for it. Being with the girl I like, and also being the girl I like? It’s mostly very frustrating to me that you’re so dead set against the idea.”

“Yeah. Yeah, you’re right, I should be trying to make this work. Maybe I’m being a bit selfish. It makes no sense to punish the both of us for a long time for no reason. We’re both here. Sure this weird thing happened to us but we’re both fine. And if they can do it, maybe we should. And it should be a turn on to know that’s you in there. I shouldn’t see it as doing stuff with someone that looks like me, but as a chance to enjoy showing my Jon a woman’s pleasure and experience, as me. That’s kind of, sexier if it’s like that. Yeah, let’s get that shower going Jon. Just a shower though. Nothing more yet.”

“What do you mean nothing more? We’re going to be washing ourselves right? Well it’s just… easier, if we wash each other, right? For pure utilitarian purposes of course.”

“All right Jon. That’s fair,” Sophia said.

Jon excitedly led the way to the bathroom.

Sophia smiled at seeing Jon so happy and excited, thinking maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to just give her what she wants. At least the shower was the right place for it if she did, since it would be easy to see to it that they were very clean in all their places.

Of course Josie and the other Karyn were quietly listening to that whole conversation on the other side of the door the whole time.

“I’m certainly rooting for you two,” Karyn said. “And it’s not just because I want all 4 of us to participate in all manner of debauchery together. In fact, what say we make a little wish to help them along a little?” she said, getting out the stone.

“I don’t know about that Karyn,” Josie said. “I don’t think we should force anything. The soft sell approach is at the very least, more respectful.”

“Oh, Josie, you have much to learn. You know that figure of speech, the meek shall inherit the Earth? It comes from the bible. You know why it’s in the bible? Same reason they tell you not to question the religion and call you a fool for thinking it’s all fake in the bible, and tell people to be satisfied with their shitty lots in life in the bible. Because they want their followers to be a bunch of sheeple. They want their followers to be meek because the meek are easy to control. The meek don’t inherit shit. All right Josie, now watch a master at work.”

The alternate Karyn picked up the stone, and began, “I wish that when Jon, er, Jessie, and the other Kar… I mean, Sophia, get in the shower…”

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