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14. Cat Girl: fun with deprogrammi

13. Cat Girl: la resistance

12. Cat Girl Pet: Karyn

11. Cat Girl: Zoe has a Guest

10. Cat Girl: There is No Such Per

9. Cat Girl: Place

8. Cat Girl: Training

7. First Day (Alt)

6. Cat Girl!

5. Strange Changes

4. The Treatments Begin

3. Bizarre Punishment

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Cat Girl: fun with deprogramming

on 2022-05-27 15:28:39
Episode last modified by Thisisnota Realname on 2022-05-28 00:40:26

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“All right Jon, you know the drill,” Karyn said, to Jen’s bewilderment, since she most certainly didn’t know the drill. They had just pulled off a secluded rural road leading out of town, and into the parking lot of the last business before driving off to the middle of nowhere, a local Chinese buffet. It was unreasonably expensive and the food wasn’t very good, so it didn’t get much business, but it turned out that was intentional because it was all a front.

Karyn led Jen into the kitchen and then opened up a secret opening into the floor and led her down a flight of stairs. Each step was entirely too short in length, even for Jen’s smaller body and smaller feet, and entirely too tall in height, especially for Jen’s smaller body, and it was very cramped as Jen scuttled behind Karyn as they descended.

They got to the bottom of some sort of wood cellar and then Karyn unlatched and opened an iron door. Jen was not prepared for what happened but realized afterwards it really shouldn’t have been unexpected. Because when Karyn opened the door, they were greeted with numerous whiny drawn out meowwwws. Jen and Karyn stepped forward into what was clearly a room for lodging of the 8 or 10 cat people, with about a dozen small bunkbeds, and the floor was littered with cat toys, but also the room was furnished with toys for humans. Jen saw an old looking TV with, was that a sega genesis? Several old video game consoles, a VCR and a pile of actual VHS tapes. It was strange seeing a mix of entertainment intended for cats mixed in with entertainment for humans, but also indicative of as if electronic progress had stopped in the early 1990s. Perhaps in this version of the world in which there was a downfall of the previous paradigm, it had, while biotech had been the stronger of the scientific revolutions, leading her into the strange dystopia she found herself in now.

“Hello kids, I have a new friend for you. This is Jon, he’s, she’s, well a lot of you will remember him from before he made the change, but now as you can see, she’s one of you now. He got caught and punished.”

Jen gritted her teeth as her heart pounded hard in her many-breasted chest, her tail twitching nervously and her ears flat down on the top of her head. She was especially embarrassed because it was being set off by such childlike beings but she couldn’t help but be horny as fuck.

The other little cat people pets, some of both sexes, sniffed at Jen and some of them licked her. They knew from scent that she was in heat, as they looked at Karyn quizzically as if they weren’t sure Karyn knew this and if doing something would be inappropriate. One of them held up his little pawlike hand and all eyes were on him as he apparently slowly said something to Karyn in sign language.

“Oh my,” Karyn said, looking at Jen with a hint of a perverted smile. “I had no idea. No little kitties, this one’s mine when it comes to such activities, if you don’t mind. It’s just as well, doing a bit of this and that with a loved one instead of merely speaking in an authoritative voice makes the programming process, or deprogramming process, all the more effective.” Karyn led Jen into another room with a bigger bed in it, large enough to fit Karyn, as well as a battered desk, and a sort of semi closed off bathroom facility comprising of a toilet, a bathtub and a sink, and closed the door behind them. Then Karyn started taking her clothes off. “Let’s get your mind fully back now, Jon.”

Jen looked down in embarrassment, but purred and smiled. She knew she was going to be thoroughly enjoying the deprogramming process at least. But there was something she really wanted to tell Karyn first, so she meowed at her urgently and mimed writing. Karyn pulled out a pencil and paper from the desk. Writing with her hands which were halfway to being paws proved to be difficult but by no means impossible. Jen painstakingly wrote on the paper, “Ok to deprogram some things, but I am Jen now, not Jon, and I like being Jen. Can I hold onto that?”

“All right. Jen.”

Jen rubbed her face on Karyn’s flank.

20 minutes later, Jen and Karyn were both lying naked on the bed, facing up. “So, are you feeling like you again yet, Jen?”

“Meowww,” Jen said quietly, and then got up and wrote on the paper, Karyn looking over her shoulder, “Maybe a little more deprogramming, just to make sure.” Karyn scritched Jen’s ears a bit and giggled.

Jen was definitely thinking at this point that she didn’t want to end this fantasy after all, though it depended on how the coming showdown with the rogue furry bioengineer went. This was maybe a harsher world than the one he had known as Jon, but then that world had been plenty harsh to a lot of people too. Life wasn’t going to be fair in any place. Unless she wished for it. Could the stone actually be capable even of that, of making life inherently no longer unfair? It was probably too risky to even consider asking for, who knows how massively that could mess up the world in unanticipated ways.

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