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20. Jon gets the security guard's

19. Jon gets stopped by a security

18. Jon stashes his bike

17. Jon finds a bike

16. Jon gets her hair

15. Jon becomes a college student

14. Jon tries to steal a car

13. Jon gains the runner's slender

12. Jon tracks down his breakfast

11. Jon wakes up hungry

10. Jon grows a pair of breasts

9. Jon gets thirsty

8. Jon gets something to eat

7. Jon appears in the middle of t

6. Teach you not to look alt.

5. Don't Look

4. All gone

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Teach You Not To Look: Cake Mix

avatar on 2022-05-30 11:32:52

1572 hits, 166 views, 6 upvotes.

Animal Aware Inanimate Part Theft Super TF Unaware

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"I guess just follow the fence and that should get me close to the front of the fairgrounds..." Jon mumbled as he began walking down the sidewalk that ran parallel with the fairgrounds' perimeter fence. "Okay I guess I should make a list..." Jon could see that he had a ways to go before he reached the front of the fairgrounds. _"For food I could get jerky... or candy... Ooo granola bars would be good..." Jon reached down and tugged on his jeans which were riding up. "Cookies would be good too.." Jon again reached down and tugged on his jeans. "Maybe some different clothes are in order too.." Jon again tugged on his jeans. "These would be terrible to ride in. They would rub me raw."

Annoyed Jon stopped and finally looked down to see what was going on with his jeans. "What the fuck?" He exclaimed when he noticed that his hips looked wider and more womanly. "NO! NO! NO!" Jon began patting his fleshy hips. "O come on..." He groaned reaching back and grabbing two handfuls of jiggly buttcheek. "She wasn't my type..." Jon's head slumped forward as his lower body continued to pack on flesh straining his once baggy jeans. "Fucking Kirby..." Jon let out a sigh as he stared at his full hips which looked to have stopped growing. "Just when I had things under control..." Jon let another sigh as he sensed the rest of his body shifting to reconcile his new hips.

"Of course..." Jon could feel his belly straining against the waist of his pants as he watched his hands grow a bit fleshier. Jon gave his left breast an investigative squeeze. "And the girls are bigger too..." Jon let out another sigh and pulled his braid over his shoulder. "At least my hair is still nice." Jon tossed the braid back over his shoulder. "Are we done?" Jon glanced back down when he felt his clothes suddenly loosen up and fit better. "I'll take that as a yes..." He shook his head and began walking again.

Jon did his best to focus on his list of supplies, but the sway of his hips, the bounce of his breasts, and the jiggle of his belly were irritating Jon. "What did I do to deserve this?" Jon thought as he began quickly taking stock of his new reality. "Of course Mom and Zoe have wider hips and bigger butts... Dad seems normal and I'm still in college... I'm still roommates with Kirby... I still have a small group of friends..." Jon focused in on mental picture of himself in front of a full body mirror. His arms and legs had definitely gained a bit of mass, but they still looked slender relative to the rest of his body. "Jeeze my butt..." Jon internally groaned at his much larger and fleshier posterior. "There's no way I could pass as a normal guy now..." Jon could remember giving up on trying to hide his butt by wearing super baggy jeans, and instead opting for whatever was most comfortable. "Thank god for stretchy denim..."

"Finally..." Jon could see he was about a half a block away from the corner of the fairground fence. "You know the worst part is that there's like reverb every time I get a new part..." Jon continued to think about the most recent series of changes to his body. "I know my breasts weren't this saggy before... But I get a dumptruck ass and now the girls are trending towards pancakes..." Jon let out an audible sigh. "There's no way I'm gonna be able to bicycle back with this body. It's just... It's just not up to it..." Jon finally reached the corner. "Now where to?" Jon could see that he was a couple blocks away from the street that he had went down earlier. "The dollar store? Maybe..." Jon began studying the few businesses between him and the street he had walked down before. "There's that gym again... And that looks like a dinner... Hmm..." Jon turned his focus to the street he had been walking down. "Those look like parking lots a few blocks from here. Maybe there's a better place than the dollar store to stock up at..."

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