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5. Escalating things further

4. Sarah Hatches A Plan

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Wish Goddesses

on 2022-05-30 21:49:48
Episode last modified by Enjeubleu on 2022-06-10 16:15:25

1746 hits, 167 views, 9 upvotes.

Age Aware FTP Herm Magic TF Unaware

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"Ah, yes this should be a very fitting punishment for you, but it is nothing compared to what your trampy friend is going to endure. I wish…. Karyn was here.” She smirked, savoring the terror in Jon’s eyes. “Just so she can see what I have planned for…”

The stone flashed.

And, suddenly, Karyn was in the room, wrapped in nothing but a bath towel and looking absolutely bewildered. “Uh… Hi.”

She looked at Jon. She looked at Sarah. She looked at the stone in Sarah’s hand. And without further question, she lunged.

Sarah went wide-eyed. “I wish—”

Karyn tried and failed to knock the stone away, so made do with barely touching it herself. “Well I wish—”

What happened next was quick, messy, and loud. The fact Jon could follow at all was impressive, even if all he could do was react at how absurd it was: somehow, at the exact same time, while touching the exact same wishing stone, Karyn and Sarah wished for the exact same thing—if worded a little differently. Something along the lines of…

“I wish I had full control of the stone, and that you could never use it again.”

And in response to this, everything went white.

Jon was slow to wake up. Or quick to wake up. He wasn’t sure; he was definitely knocked out at some point, but now he was awake with a big ol’ migraine and the stone in hand.

This was good. The sight before him was less so.


“…Master of the Stone.”


It was Karyn and Sarah, apparently. Almost. Recognizably them, but…

They looked like instagram models? They were almost identical? They just called him ‘master of the stone?’

Karyn and Sarah were side by side, more stunning and perfect than Jon knew was possible. Both had flawless hourglass figures, where slender shoulders contrasted large, grapefruit-sized breasts, where trim waists descended into wide flaring hips and long pretty legs. Their eyes were deep red—same shade as the stone—and their hair was less blonde and more golden, metallic curls framing their visages and cascading their bodies like the world’s sparkliest capes.

They could’ve been twins. Heck, Jon wouldn’t have been able to tell them apart, if it wasn't for the faintest of differences. Karyn had rounder eyes and poutier lips, while Sarah had her dagger-like cheek bones and that ever-constant air of superiority.

Both were clad in long, airy togas. Karyn’s was white and ribbony, covering enough of her body to give the vague idea of modesty, while hiding none of the curves. Sarah’s was more… Devious. Stark black in color, with strategic tears and more than enough skin on display.

What.” Jon repeated, after a pause.

“We’re the goddesses of the stone, esteemed master…” Smiled the enhanced Karyn, with a voice more slow and dulcet than honey.

“…Your slaves, your concubines, ” Sarah continued, her own voice rich and intoxicating like wine. “Your playthings.


They each took a step closer. Jon tried very hard not to think about how nice their bodies would feel against his own.

“Anything you can possibly want…”

“…You could possibly wish for…”

“…Is yours.”

“All you need to do is command it, esteemed master.” Each had their arms gently entwined with Jon’s, their soft lips, so, so close to his ears…

And then they screamed and jerked away.

“What was that!?” Karyn shouted.

“I… I don’t know!” Sarah shot back, barely keeping the panic from her voice. “I couldn’t control myself. My body… It was moving on its own, like I was some kind of puppet!”

Karyn glanced at Jon. “Dude, what’s happening? Why is Sarah here?”


“And what happened to my freaking tits!? They got even bigger!


“This is your fault, isn’t it Jon?” Sarah interrupted.“You have a weird sex slave fantasy, and you orchestrated all this to make it happen!”

“No! That’s—”

“Is she telling the truth, Jon?”


“Of course I’m telling the truth! I mean, everyone at school knows he’s a weirdo!”

“Hang on—”

“Oh screw off! Jon might be a weirdo, but he’s still my friend!”

“Both of you! Chill!” Jon finally cried out.

And at that moment, the two impossible beauties squeaked and went silent. In a sensual, dancer-like motion, Sarah hopped onto Jon’s desk as an impromptu chair, crossing one tantalizing leg of the other. Karyn, in turn, lounged along Jon’s bed and gazed up at him, looking equal parts adorable and ohmygod she’s your best friend stop thinking that way.

Another pause.

Karyn was the first to speak. “Jon. My guy. Can you please tell me what’s going on?”

“I think… We’re chilling?” Sarah struggled in place, trying and failing to get off Jon’s desk. “Because… Your bastard of a boyfriend told us to! See? He’s—”

“And no more insults! Please!”

“He’s a…” Sarah’s plump lips clamped down before she could finish the sentence. “I mean, he’s… Jon’s a… A real…”

“T-thank you,” Jon said shakily. He took a sharp breath. “This is… A lot. For all of us. Hi Karyn, sorry about this. Sarah broke in and tried taking the stone.”

“Oh you bi—” Karyn winced as her own pillowy lips clamped down. “God this is weird.”

“You have no idea,” Jon said. “I’m gonna make a few wishes, if that’s okay. J-just to see if I can fix this…”

Karyn nodded. Jon didn’t wait for Sarah’s answer.

“I wish these two were back to normal.”

No response from the rock. Figured.

“I wish… These two would turn back to their original selves, in a way that didn’t contradict the original wishes that caused all this.”

A moment. Still no response.

Jon sighed. “Okay, let’s try… I wish we knew what was happening.”

Then, finally, a response. But it wasn’t the rock that reacted, but Sarah, who let out an uncontrollable moan as a very… Peculiar sensation eased through her body.

“Wha… What is this!?” She wiggled in place as her face turned bright red, helpless as a warm, fuzzy pressure built between her legs, only to explode outwards in all directions. She cried out in frustration and pleasure, barely able to stop the words from passing through her mouth. “Y-your wish…. Is… Is… G-granted!”

With that, the wish was indeed granted.

Karyn and Sarah are now the avatars to the stone’s power.

As such, they hold undying loyalty to whoever currently possesses the stone.

They must take turns granting and interpreting their master’s wishes.

Their appearance will always reflect what their master finds most attractive.

As the avatars’ existence is intrinsically tied to the stone’s, none of these previous rules can be undone.

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