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49. Who has it easier: Date prep

48. Who has it easier: At Karyn's

47. Who has it easier: Last class

46. Who has it easier: rest of the

45. Who has it easier: mixed sport

44. Who has it easier: Girl's spor

43. Who has it easier: Jon heads t

42. Who has it easier: Before Scho

41. Who has it easier: waking slow

40. Who has it easier: Dressing fo

39. Who has it easier: Preparing

38. Who has it easier: Jon's Eveni

37. Who has it easier: Date?

36. Who has it easier: Shopping

35. Who has it easier: Lunch

34. Who has it easier: Maths

33. Who has it easier: Jon's morni

32. Who has it easier: Before scho

31. Who has it easier: Karyn's mor

30. Who has it easier: Bed

Who has it easier: Date prep

on 2022-06-06 09:07:10

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As Jon got into the shower for the second time today, Susan walked in while still chatting away to him. "Don't forget to shave your legs babe," she said to him. Jon nodded and hurried through what he figured was Karyn's routine. There were a lot more products to use than he was used to. Shampoo, Conditioner, Face cleanser and body wash. Normally, he would just use one shower gel for everything but he figured, in for a penny...

He lathered up his legs and used a razor to carefully shave them. He had already shanked them this week so there wasn't much to take off but as he rinsed them off he marvelled at how smooth they felt. Not wanting to leave Susan alone for too long he finished up and grabbed a towel. Forgetting his predicament temporarily he wrapped the towel around his waist and went back into his room.

"Jeez Karyn, I know I complimented your boobs earlier but you don't have to wave them in my face like that," Susan said with a big grin and a laugh. Jon giggled when he realised his mistake but rather than fix it he decided to just hurry up and get some underwear on. He turned his back to Susan and untied the towel. He dried himself quickly and grabbed the panties Susan had picked out for him. He stepped into them and pulled them slowly up his legs, reluctantly relishing the feeling of the silky material gliding up hi smooth legs. He tucked his penis in as best he could before grabbing the matching bra and quickly putting that on.

Jon was about to grab the dress when Susan stopped him. "Slow down girl. Let me do your makeup and hair for you first. Less chance of getting the dress dirty. I have everything ready here," Susan said pointing to an array of bottles on the dresser. She handed Jon a bottle of lotion which he presumed was to rub into his skin. He squirted a few little blobs onto his hands and rubbed it onto his arms.

Susan looked at him puzzled," Jeez Karyn, you must be really nervous. Why are you using so little and going so slow." She didn't give him time to respond, instead she stood up and grabbed the bottle out of Jon's hand. She squirted a Liberal amount into her own hand and crouched down beside Jon, her head inches away from his penis which was starting to swell with the close contact. Susan applied the lotion to Jon's legs and rubbed it up and down, covering avert inch. Jon was in heaven and his penis stood erect inside his panties. He thought to himself that if Susan could see it she'd probably run a mile but as far as she was concerned they were just two girls and she was helping her friend the same way she'd expect her help if she was the one nervously preparing for a date. With his legs done, Susan squirted some more lotion out and started to rub it onto Jon's waist and back. She snaked her hands under his bra straps and gently rubbed his skin. Jon was worried he was about to climax which would be super embarrassing, whether Susan could see what happened or not.

Thankfully Susan was finished with the lotion and she gestured Jon over to a chair in front of the dresser. Jon felt funny sitting there in a pair of panties and a matching bra but he didn't have much say in the matter. Susan gently touched Jon on the chin and raised his face up. For a second Jon thought she was going to kiss him but instead she started brushing some powder onto his face. She used all sorts of makeup that Jon was clueless about and after about 10 minutes she held a mirror up for Jon to see the results. What he saw took his breath away. His reflection showed Karyn's face and she looked way, way sexier than he had ever seen her before. He couldn't help but smile at what he saw and Karyn's reflection smiled right back at him, giving him a little thrill. As he stared at his reflection Susan stood behind him and brushed his hair for him. In reality his hair was shirt but as Susan worked on it he saw the spectacular results on Karyns reflection.

With his hair done Jon stood up once more and sauntered over to the full length mirror, soaking up the incredibly sexy vision before him. Karyn looked stunning with her hair styled an dher face made up. Her large breasts nestled in her lacy bra and the smooth crotch in the matching panties was causing all sorts of dirty thoughts in Jon's mind. Susan handed him the dress and helped guide his head into it, being careful not to let it touch his makeup. She guided the soft material down over Jon's chest and hips and straightened the hem out so it sat just right.

Jon told her he wanted to wear panty hose, with his idea being it would help hide any arousal from Karyn but Susan talked him out of it, arguing it would be a shame to hide his beautiful legs. Jon conceded and concluded he was now ready to go. Susan handed him a small handbag that matched his dress and he quickly put Karyn's phone, purse and keys into it. He wondered what he would do now, presuming he'd have a good wait before Karyn picked him up but looking at the small watch on his wrist he saw it was getting close to the time they had agreed yesterday.

Susan gave Jon a quick hug and a quick pep talk before rushing out, wanting both to get home and to give Jon and Karyn some privacy. She made Jon promise to give her all the details later. A few minutes after Susan left Jon heard the doorbell and rushed down to see Karyn. He wasn't at all embarrassed by how he looked jow, instead he felt some pride in how well he and Susan had made Karyn look.

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