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11. Let’s mess with both their hea

10. The app saves him

9. A jogging woman passing by

8. Swap!

7. Let’s listen to ‘mom’

6. The Results

5. Linda

4. Swap

3. Role ReWriter

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Role ReWriter: More Mind Games

on 2022-06-12 21:04:47
Episode last modified by StrangeDaze on 2022-06-13 11:58:23

1639 hits, 205 views, 3 upvotes.

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Jon sat in the kitchen rather quietly. While his dad didn’t care much, and sat down next to Jon with a slouch, his mother was still herself…sorta.

“Oh look, I am slaving away cleaning this house like a maid while you two just sit and watch. I swear, like father, like son.”

Zoe’s familiar scrunched up face of anger now made Jon chuckle a little.

“Mark, do you seriously condone this?”

The bare female shoulders shrugged. “Eh…” Mark gulped his beer ignoring his responsibilities entirely.

That sparked an idea in his mind, and wanted to mess with his mother’s. This time, he made it so she would never be upset with what Jon does. Jon found this such a great idea it got applied to his whole family. Mikey and Zoe got additional commands to stay in their current activities til sundown. Mikey would casually play video games in his room all day, and Zoe would stay at the mall. This was a nice little safeguard, now he was more ready to test the limits of the app without having to worry about his siblings butting in and bothering him.

His mother Linda and father Mark stared blankly, more so for Mark, until the change finished. Linda shook her head, and turned around. It seemed pointless to get at her husband, and for her son, well he always had total and ultimate freedom. She felt it wasn’t her place to be any kind of disciplinary force in his life. She didn’t quite enjoy it, but felt that washing the dishes by herself was expected.

It really was true, Jon was able to get away with anything now. Still, a little more testing could help him really feel assured. Jon stood up, his cock was still quite hard, with a stain visible at the tip of it. His father’s slender almond eyes grazed across it, took a sip of the beer, and spoke up. “Haha, teasing your old man for being bigger than him. Classic Jon.”

It barely was acknowledged as his dad looked away. His mother didn’t even turn around, she still had dishes to finish.

Jon stood up, and inched closer to his father. As he was sitting, his dick was eye level with the gorgeous, if a bit dirty face. Jon was going to make it even messier, as he jabbed the cheeks, then rubbed his cock around his dad’s face. There was now zero response, maybe his dad’s fear of accidentally tasting cum. There were only a few moans of discomfort. That was enough for Linda to have a reaction. She turned around and took in the site. To her, her lovely husband was letting her son rub his hard dick all over. It didn’t gross her out or shock her, but rather was slightly upset.

“Mark, please clean yourself when he’s done…” She said in dismay.

“Mayb—-be” Mark said, interrupted by a penis sliding across his lips.

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