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7. Stanley gives in to put on a t

6. Stanley’s ex-girlfriend

5. the old fashioned solution

4. completing the look

3. Karen asks for a little sanity

2. A slip of the tongue...

1. You Are What You Wish

Stanley gives in to put on a tail, but...

on 2022-06-14 00:41:30
Episode last modified by Thisisnota Realname on 2022-06-14 07:53:53

519 hits, 71 views, 0 upvotes.

Animal MTF Myth NBM Omni Part Theft SciFi Size

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"Enough of this," Stanley said. "It still doesn't change anything. You and I are through. You want to show me you aren't a bad person? Just leave me alone, Clara. Show me that you're capable of that. Please just go home."

"Don't you think you at least owe me an explanation for where these tails came from?"

"Fair enough. Since you're stuck with one. So I was out on the sidewalk when the house I was walking by, the garage door opens. And I see the craziest thing. I see a girl, naked on her bottom half, walk into the garage, and she had one of these huge tails. And she takes a pair of garden shears and cuts it off right in front of me. Well not right in front of me since I was hiding in the bushes. She screams in pain and runs back in the house, blood spurting out of her. She comes back with another tail on her backside. And she cuts that one off too. And it grows back right in front of me. And again, and again and again. Like 10 times. And crazier things happen. Some sort of big ghost creatures appeared once. The shears at one point came to life and went apeshit on her and cut her to pieces but she said something, and recovered and the shears went back to being an inanimate object. Blood everywhere though. She said something every time, I wonder if they were magic spells. I couldn't make out what she was saying. But anyway, at the end of it, she eventually cut off her tail and it didn't grow back. Or at least not in the next 3 minutes. She went back in the house and I ran into the garage and grabbed 4 of them. I ran home and that's when I met you here. That's really all there is to it. I'm not some sort of werewolf hunter or something, I didn't torture any animals, I just saw this crazy thing, grabbed 4 cut off tails and ran the fuck out of there."

"So, why aren't they bloody at the end?" Clara asked.

"Um, what?" Stanley replied.

"Look at them, I didn't notice when I first saw them, but the part at the end where you attached one to me. You can't see the first one now, but look at the remaining 3. They aren't bloody at the end, like they were cut off. It just looks like regular hairless pink skin."

Stanley examined the 3 remaining tails. She was right. That was weird. He was sure he had seen them bleeding at some point in the garage while he watched. He wasn't sure what had been going on.

"They must have undergone the healing process even not connected to anyone. Well, anyway, whatever the explanation for everything going on here, you're done here. Please show me that you can be a civilized person and just let it go. Just, go home. We're not going to get together, ok? Just accept that."

"But, don't you want to put on one of the tails too? You want me to be there to put it on you right, right? You wouldn't want to put it on crooked or misaligned or something, right?"

"It's tempting," he admitted. "I'll think about whether I want to put one on. Maybe when I'm an old man."

"Stanley, you dummy, do you think those tails are going to last forever? I guess this girl had weird healing powers like Wolverine, that's why she kept regrowing a tail and why they have skin at the end instead of bloody flesh, and you say I look younger so it's not just healing but probably indefinite youth, but these tails, it's not a complete animal with a heart and organs, if they aren't part of a body, they're not getting fresh blood and oxygen, they're going to die if they aren't attached to someone, probably in a few hours at most. If it gives you the fountain of youth, you can't wait until you're an old man and then decide to put one on, you have to put it on now or never."

"Oh. Ugh. You might be right," Stanley admitted.

"Come on, I was horrified at first too, but I'm starting to think this is pretty cool. Look, I have a real tail!" she said, swishing it around. She tried to pick up a glass bottle off his kitchen table, and inadvertently knocked it to the floor where it shattered. "Oh, I'm sorry about that..."

"It's fine. It's glass to sweep up, but I was just going to recycle that bottle anyway."

"Look. We don't need to hook up again. Though I'd like you to give me another chance. Maybe we can’t even be friends now. But let me do this thing for you, ok? You want it done right, after all."

"Yeah, you're right. Fine, let's do it. Just, make sure you put it on right, would you? I don't want it to be on me crooked for the rest of my life, which could be thousands of years."

"You can trust me Stanley."

"Wait, let me, pick which one I want," he said, examining the 3 remaining tails. "Here, this one."

"Now drop your pants, lean over and just stay still."

Stan did as asked.

Clara was about to affix the tail of Stan's choice, but a wicked thought occurred to her. She quietly picked up the other two, and bundled them all together. They were quite heavy all together, but fortunately she didn't have to hold their whole lengths off the ground. She aligned them just perfectly into an equilateral triangle configuration, and absolutely perfectly put all 3 at the top of Stan's butt, with one of the corners of the triangle pointed up and the other two in the lower left and right. Oh my, she thought, things are quite crowded back there. Any more than 3 and it would have lost the aesthetics of it.

A few moments later, Stanley got feeling of his new parts. And started experimentally swishing his tails. And it wasn't very long before he knew something was awry. He looked back. And saw he had 3 count them 3 enormous wolf tails attached to his rear end. He could feel them all. He could move them all, independently. They registered in his brain separately. It was such an amazing thing.

"What the fuck!" he yelled.

"No sense wasting the other two. You look totally cute like this Stannnnnnnley. Oh, you really do look younger now. Don't be upset. Come on, let's go to the bathroom mirror and see how we look."

Stan pulled his pants up to the bottom of where his tails would obstruct them and followed her to the bathroom, his 3 tails completely wrecking his balance if he didn't drag them on the floor, since together they must have weighed 100 pounds. But he couldn't deny that this was kind of fun.

The two of them stood in front of the bathroom mirror, and were quite surprised at their youthful appearances. And Clara posed with squeezing her big breasts. There were smiles all around between the two of them, with them not regretting what they had done, with it obvious that the benefits outweighed the costs. Until Stanley suddenly grew a pair of big breasts too. And "his" face, started looking decidedly more feminine, like a sister he never had. "He" lowered "his" pants, for them both to see with no uncertainty that a certain part of "his" body had changed as well. He hadn't even felt a thing as it happened. At least the change hadn't been painful.

"Oh. Um. You did say, it was a female werewolf girl. With healing powers. And we already knew it was making us younger. I guess, I should have, considered, that might, happen. I guess we’re lucky we still even look like us, or a girl version of you, instead of actually becoming identical copies of that other girl."

Stan was speechless.

"I'm Sorry Stan. I really am. Sorry. At least, you're very pretty. If you don't mind me saying. You're a girl now, but, you're really quite hot." Clara hugged Stan from behind, accidentally groping her breasts. "Oh, sorry about that."

Stan wordlessly walked out of the bathroom, her tails dragging even more behind her. Apparently the rest of her body was lighter now. It apparently broke conservation of mass. She was now a lighter weight woman with 3 huge wolf tails that were now even more disproportionately huge for her. They dragged behind her as she went to her own garage. She had garden shears of her own.

"What are you doing, Stan. No, no, don't do that! Stan, oh my god!"

"AARRrrrghhhh!!" Stan cried out as she cut off one of her 3 tails. It fell to the ground and oozed blood. After all, it hadn't been cut off with Karyn's magic clippers. She positioned the hedge clippers on another tail and held her breath as she cut that one off too. She was once again positioning the hedge clippers on the final tail to cut it off too, when the first one explosively grew back. She dropped the clippers. And a few seconds later, the second tail she cut off grew back too. If Stan had heard Karyn's wishes, she would have known that 'without causing regeneration powers to take effect' was also a property of the hedge clippers Karyn had modified, but with one of her earlier wishes, had accidentally said something that had been interpreted by the rock as giving werewolves drastic and immediate healing powers beyond what werewolves already had from myths and legends. Meaning it was now not possible for Stan to mutilate her own body in a lasting way with ordinary tools. She would regenerate within seconds no matter what she did to try to change from her permanent status as a teenaged 3-tailed werewolf girl with big perky breasts.

Stanley held hold of the hood of her car so she could even be capable of lifting her tails off the floor without falling over backwards or leaning forward at probably a 45 degree angle, and swished all her tails together.

Wow, that really kind of looks magnificent, Clara thought, seeing her former boyfriend swish her 3 enormous tails behind her like that. Clara hugged her from behind again, careful not to goose Stan's boobs this time, and said "It's all right Stan. It's all right. I'll be here for you. If you want me to be here for you. You probably hate me now for real though."

"No. No, I still don't hate you," Stan said, surprising the both of them with her new high feminine voice which until that moment, she had still not yet heard. "And you, being kind to me now, even though I can never be your boyfriend now, means a lot. And I don't want to be alone. I don't, I don't even know what I want," she said, crying a little bit herself.

"You have a very pretty voice too," Clara said as she kissed Stan on the cheek from behind.

"What should we do with those," Stan said, feeling rather turned on by the tactile contact with her former girlfriend, as she nodded at the two tails on the ground.

"You want to put them on me?" Clara said back. "It's only fair. Then we'd match."

"I was thinking, more like, we create more werewolves, convert, more regular humans."

They both looked at the tails on the floor of Stan's garage. The same thought occurred to both of them, that this could change the whole human race. And if they wanted to use these two tails, they needed to get started with it that night. Though what they didn't know, was that exponential growth of their new race was not actually possible, because only the original 4 tails could be attached to someone's rear end and assimilate into their bodies, as only the original 4 had been cut off with Karyn's magic clippers, and that was a property of the clippers resulting from Karyn's final wish, not of werewolf parts in general. Unless of course they learned the secrets of the situation, the secrets of the magic clippers, and of the stone, from Karyn herself, potentially by force.

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