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83. Jon and Biff at the mall

82. Trevor at the mall

81. Trevor faces the day

80. Trevor wakes again

79. Biff and Jon get up and out

78. Trevor's Breakfast

77. Biff's night in

76. Trevor gets home

75. Trevor heads home

74. Milk for Trevor

73. Trevor getting ready to go hom

72. Dinner with Trevor

71. Jon gets changed

70. Hanging out

69. Changing Trevor

68. Impromptu Playdate

67. Lucy visits

66. Leaving daycare

65. Office talk

64. Jon and Trevor

Jon and Biff at the mall

on 2022-06-15 14:46:49

1191 hits, 97 views, 0 upvotes.

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Biff and Jon had a bit of time to kill before meeting Karyn. They were strolling through the mall but Jon was starting to get a bit bored and restless. Biff was happy enough browsing the clothes shops but he could tell Jon was getting fidgety. After leaving a store he crouched down beside Jon, being careful to keep his legs together so his skirt would reserve his modesty. He asked Jon, "What would you like to do Jon? We've got about 2 hours before lunch. I could do with getting off my feet for a little while. These heels are starting to hurt." Jon just shrugged from inside his pushchair, "I dunno Biff. All this shopping is boring. Why do you have to spend so much time looking at dresses and skirts?" Biff didn't have an answer for that. The truth was he was enjoying looking at all the options available to him now. Before he just wore the same types of clothes all the time but now he had so much to choose from. He wasn't embarrassed by his newfound sense of fashion, in fact he was starting to have a sense of pride in presenting himself to the world as the young, attractive woman everyone saw him as.

They continued walking and Biff eventually stopped outside a new kid and parents cafe. There were tables for the parents to relax at next to a safe, secure play area where they could let their kids play while they ate. The tables looked good to Biff, eager to take a break from all the walking. He asked Jon if they should give it a go. Given the boredom Jon was feeling right now he was up for anything so he agreed. Biff pushed him inside and waited for someone to seat them. A young girl, who looked like she could be a college student, approached Biff and asked was it just the two of them. She lead Biff to a table and explained the setup. She crouched down beside Jon and said, "What do you think sweetie? Doesn't this place look like fun? We've loads of toys for you to play with while Mommy can relax for a little while." Jon was smitten to have a girl so close to him and smiling so warmly to him. He nodded and smiled back at her. Biff sat at the table and started to help Jon out of the pushchair. He told Jon to go and entertain himself for a while. Jon was toddling towards the play area when Biff called him back. He turned and came back and was a little surprised when Biff put his hand down the front of his shorts and into gave his diaper a gentle squeeze. Jon just stared, a little embarrassed by Biff's actions in such a public setting. "Just checking Jon. But you're all good. Still dry." Jon didn't reply, instead he turned away again and toddled a bit faster this time, not wanting to dwell on the situation.

Jon made his way to a toy kitchen and started to pretend to be amusing himself. He was soon approached by a young girl, maybe four years old, who was carrying a doll. The girl looked at Jon, obviously feeling like a big kid in comparison to him. Jon noticed she wasn't wearing a diaper and thought she must be older than he is now. The girl said Hi to Jon and he said Hi back. She asked him his name and he told her. Then she asked him what he was playing and he said, "Nothing really, I was just looking at the kitchen stuff but it's all a bit boring to me." Her ability to understand him seemed to be limited to him saying Hi and telling her his name as she showed know signs of grasping what he had said after that. Instead she asked him to make some lunch for her baby. Jon seeing no other options just complied. The two played for a while. Jon could understand her just fine but anything beyond the simplest of words he spoke seemed to go over her head. Jon just looked past that for now and continued playing. He wouldn't admit it to Biff but he was actually enjoying himself a little bit by just going with the flow.

Jon had found an action figure in amongst the kitchen toys and was starting to play with it, it reminding him a lot more of the kind of toys he had when he was younger. His new friend found it funny that he wanted to play with an action figure rather than dolls. The fun was interrupted when another child saw Jon playing with the action figure. He made his way over and Jon saw him approach. He looked closer in age to the other girl than to how Jon knew people saw him. Jon smiled thinking this could be someone else to play with but the boy quickly grabbed the action figure from Jon and said, "Mine." Jon tried to reason with him but that wasn't going to work so he tried to swipe it back but to his great shame he quickly learned that this boy, who couldn't be more than four years old was a lot stronger than he was now. Jon tried with all his strength but it was no use. The boy swung the toy away from Jon which caused Jon to lose his balance. He stood over Jon and called him a "dumb girl". Jon couldn't believe it. When standing he towered over this kid and two weeks ago he would have been able to lift this kid over his head, but now, from his position on the ground the boy looked very intimidating and Jon started to get scared. His fear manifested as he felt his diaper growing warm and filling very quickly. Jon's face went red with embarrassment. He felt like crying but fought back the tears. The girl he had been playing with came over and helped him up. She told him not to pay any notice to that boy, to let him have his dumb action figure. Jon just looked at her and said, "This is just perfect. I get bullied by a four year old and the only reaction I have is to piss in my pants." The girl looked at him puzzled, not understanding much of what he said but she replied, "What's wrong Jon? Did you use your diapee? Wanna go find your mummy? It's ok. Not a big deal."

Totally dejected, Jon toddled back towards Biff, the full diaper between his legs a strong reminder of his embarrassment. Biff was just finishing his coffee and saw Jon was a bit upset. His motherly instincts kicked in and he picked Jon up onto his lap and asked him what was wrong. Jon started to explain it to Biff but as he got to the part about peeing in his diaper out of fear he started to cry. Biff held Jon's head against his shoulder and spoke softly to him to calm him down. Jon eventually calmed down and Biff decided to leave now. He carried Jon and pushed the pushchair with one hand towards the ladies room. He brought Jon in to get him changed and cleaned up before heading to meet Karyn.

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