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8. Too Much Cloud

7. Trying to Have The Talk

6. The Best Part of Growing Up

5. The Wrong One

4. Kitchen Table

3. The Cloud

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Cloud: Too Much Cloud

on 2022-06-25 01:33:05

900 hits, 121 views, 0 upvotes.

Animal FTP Magic Myth NBM Part Theft SciFi Unaware

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"I...I..." she trailed off having lost her train of thought. She tried to get back to the analogy, but the thought made her a bit uncomfortable. She felt a discomfort in her stomach, and clutched it with her hands, wincing a bit...

"What is it?"

"It feels like I have to go to the bathroom," she said. She tried to move, but still couldn't move very far. It felt easier to move her arms, but her feet felt difficult to lift.

She opened her mouth and took a deep breath, and found herself inhaling the fog in the room, it felt cold and wet all of the sudden. She began to shiver.

"You're freezing..." Mikey said, concerned. "Mom...."

The fog, as she thought of it, got into her head...It was getting increasingly hard to concentrate as her mind felt blank. "Freezing...Mom..." she said...parroting Mikey's words, unable to think of her own.

Mikey wrapped an arm around her as she continued to shrink, and to shiver until finally expelling the cloud out of her mouth.

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