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11. An Unexpectedly Easy Cafe Expe

10. Introducing (Just a Bit) of Ch

9. Spicing things up

8. Keeping himself busy

7. Defining Expectations

6. Looking good

5. The next phase

4. Jon makes a woman out of himse

3. Home alone 2

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Mandatory Milf: An Unexpectedly Easy Cafe Experience

on 2022-06-28 18:24:04

1282 hits, 145 views, 5 upvotes.

Age Anthro FTM FTP Herm Part Swap Size Super TF Unaware

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When Jon had been imagining his horny fantasy of being a MILF, he'd imagined crowds of people staring, some horny passerby's making comments, and if they were bold enough, even talking to him. However, the real world hit him like a truck, seeing as when he entered, besides for the barista's serving a drive-thru, he received only a glance from bored college kids and a man in a business meeting. Him! In what was a magically created beautiful body, people were just giving him glances. He let the issue dropped as he approached the counter.

"Uhm, I never have been here before. Wh-what's your best drink?" Jon felt dumb asking the question, especially as his eyes drifted over some beautiful looking donuts, a delightful French Cruller, an amazingly tasty looking cake pop, a.....

He settled on two sweets and whatever the barista had recommended. It had had three adjectives, and sounded like it would taste pretty amazing, with Jon only struggling with the girl's one question.

"What's the name of the order ma'am?"

Jon did a double take, and if by force of habit, said his own. "Jon."

The girl was nonplussed. "Joan, got it. You know, my mother loves that drink too - here's your hot Danish."

Awaiting his drink, Jon sat down at the table, scarfing down his food like he'd lived in a desert for a few decades. It was delightfully wonderful how the sweetness seemed to be more incredible then any sweets Jon had ever eaten. While he sipped his warm coffee, Jon contemplated some wishes he could use not just to be a MILF, but a very successful, life enjoying one.

"I wish I had a high level of charisma and tact - and a voice that most middle aged women only dream of."


Jon hadn't added that last bit. But he knew who had. His prior wish was playing with his own words, adding things, shifting them, changing them. Rubbing his skirt, he stood up to get another Danish, still quite enjoying his new found appreciation for sweets and rather feminine drinks. The crumbs on his bust were a new annoyance. When he saw a pack of men and woman walk by the story, laughing and enjoying life (the only large group he'd seen), a new wish popped straight into his head. He might regret what he was about to do, but also, he might d-...darn well enjoy it too

"I wish places I went had a thriving social scene, enough to push me out of comfort zone, and were never as dead as this place is now."


Jon had blinked once, taking in his unknowing last view of the sleepy cafe, now transformed into what would most properly be called a hipster den. A band played on stage, voices and sounds of steaming milk filled the air, and Jon realized he was squeezed all the way at the end of the line for the now incredibly packed place. A young, college age man was behind him, causing Jon to blush a bit as the young man apologized for how close he had gotten. If life were a porno, the man would've had his hands on Jon's ass next.

"Please sweetie, it's quite alright. You go ahead, I'm a mother, I've got all day." Jon said with a giggle, the young man clearly more comfortable with 'her' now, stepping ahead to be with his friend. The place was for college kids and rebels without a cause. Ready to wish again, Jon heard his own voice speak before he might....

"I wish, besides for my random wishes and anything not wished for by Jon, that all wishes must be done in private, with no other individuals in the room. Stalls and other discreet areas will randomly count as rooms, and wishes done in public will not count until redone in private"


Hearing the phantom voice use his lungs, Jon decided to test this actually very clever wish; removing himself from the line, he worked his space filling body (squeezing past a few young patrons) outside the bathroom. When he wished for five dollars outside the bathroom, it did not work, but once he was in the stall, five dollars appeared in his hand. Tricky tricky little wish.

His groin felt wet from the new limit put on him. It genuinely was pretty sexy to think now he couldn't just be so willy-nilly with his wishing. If he were in a bad situation, he wondered, would the ring still help him? After grabbing two more desserts and a coffee for the road, Jon looked down to his planning app (adjusting due to the fact he no longer could just look straight down at his phone), realizing the next task was a simple Get Groceries.

Sigh. Getting groceries? That was sorta lame. It was dumb as sh-.....The bra shocked him as the sweater's collar heated up. It gave Jon an idea once he was in the privacy of the car.

"I wish that whenever I complain about having to complete any activities given to me, the clothes would treat it similar to me using vulgar language."


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