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94. The Dragsterz

93. Wheel Man

92. Drag Race

91. Second Rampage

90. Willing Hosts

89. Starting Over

88. Checking In

87. Parting Ways

86. Convince Magenta

85. Assassination

84. New Plans

83. Blood Collection

82. My Cultivation

81. Crossroads

80. Team Name

79. Recruit Him

78. New Team

77. Leaderboard

76. Flee Prison

75. Escape Cell

My Assassins

avatar on 2022-07-01 15:39:18

144 hits, 7 views, 1 upvotes.

Anthro Aware Body Swap FTP Herm Inanimate MC MTF Magic Musc Myth NBM SciFi TF Unaware

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It was true that I could have gotten up and left at any time. The pair of assassins looked at each other and nodded. The centaurs galloped in opposite directions to make sure they split up. I was in control of the clone chased by the driver. He was always the quiet one. His partner was the active talker of the pair. When we were several blocks apart, I stopped. The assassin just looked at me and said "My brother and I aren't going to lose to a washed-up clone that can barely walk straight." I scoffed and looked at my health. Both clones were in critical health territory. I was most likely going to lose the fight to them. I wanted to know something though. "First off, who's even paying you for this? I have so many enemies in the country, I don't get why you want to hunt me down." I said. He looked at me and frowned. He must have thought that it was not hard to guess. "Obviously, it's from the higher ups at Credit Bank Corp. You really think the cops would hire us?" I shrugged. "Could have been Hartman. I have beef with them too. They sent a couple of goons." I told him. He did not respond.

Silently, he raised his rifle. That was enough information I needed though. I was going to have to pay them a visit. Especially if the ones that lived in this country were the ones responsible for the hit. I was going to fight with all I had. I used my spells, webs and venom. However, it was not enough to overcome the huge disadvantage that I was working with. I was on the ground with his foot on my chest. "Chalk another one up for the Dragsterz. Bye." he said as he aimed his gun at my head. This was it for the clone. I was going to die. It was now up to an all-out desperation play. My ooze surged to surround him. 'I'm not going to go down that easily.' I told him. He tried to shoot me but the ooze moved around the bullet. I covered him and said "It's over. You lose." That was when he thought 'Not on your life.' I did not pay him any mind and surged into his clothes. When I could not get inside him, I realized why that was. He had a butt plug and a sounding rod inside him. That was when he told me 'Told you. I am not an idiot. Transform!' The clone died in the explosion of his thick magical energy.

The clone did not even get to see his magical form. That was a shame. The clone facing the other brother was the one I defaulted to because it was the closest. I was in a similar position on the ground. This brother was simply gloating over me. "... things are looking up for us. You keep making clones and so they keep putting bounties out there. We keep killing you, we keep getting rich. Especially if you're just as good at killing heroes and stealing all that shit you do." he said. I just rolled my eyes. "You just got lucky. I wasn't even trying here. Why would I when I don't even have my weapons?" I told him. He scoffed. "Yeah right. Tell that to the devil when you get to Hell, loser." he shot back. It was clear that he was done with me. "Anyway, chalk another one up for the Dragsterz. Bye bye." he said as he aimed his gun at my head. "Wait. I have to tell something to say." I said. It was his turn to roll his eyes. "Fine! What do yo-" was all he got out before I spat some ooze into his mouth. It covered the roof of his mouth and stayed there even when he tried to spit me out. "You fucker!" he yelled.

Under the circumstances, I was not surprised that he was pissed and tried to shoot me. Once again, the ooze moved around the bullet. He blinked in surprise. The quick spitting had really unnerved him. I covered him totally and said "It's over. You lose." That was when he thought 'Not on your life.' Just like his brother. I surged into his clothes. Like I thought, I could not get inside of him. He had a butt plug and a sounding rod inside him too. That was when he laughed at my expense. If I was not already expecting this, I might have been scared. He told me 'Told you you'd lose here. I am not a fucking idiot. Transform!' The clone died in the explosion of his magical energy again. It had really low health. However, I had some ooze on the inside. That was not something that he could get rid of so easily. He probably would not even notice me if I did nothing. I wanted to know where these two guys lived. From there, I could give them a visit whenever I wanted. "He made you transform too, huh?" the driver said from behind him. "Yeah. The fucker tried to cover me like a sore loser." the other said.

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