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32. Jon tests his body on the stat

31. Jon heads over to the stationa

30. Jon eye's accidently linger on

29. Jon investigates his new memor

28. Jon continues to watch the pai

27. Jon picks his first target

26. Jon encounters a man and woman

25. Jon heads into the women's loc

24. Jon talks his way into the gym

23. Jon gathers supplies for tomor

22. Jon tries to control what he t

21. Jon finds a secondhand store

20. Jon gets the security guard's

19. Jon gets stopped by a security

18. Jon stashes his bike

17. Jon finds a bike

16. Jon gets her hair

15. Jon becomes a college student

14. Jon tries to steal a car

13. Jon gains the runner's slender

Teach You Not To Look: Fat Bottomed Girls

avatar on 2022-07-06 20:09:07

1211 hits, 163 views, 4 upvotes.

Age Animal Anthro FTM FTP Herm MTF Omni Part Swap Super Unaware

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"So far so good." Jon had been riding the stationary bike for about 15 minutes with the bike's resistance set to 0. Having barely broke a sweat Jon was feeling good about his endurance, but he was worried that his skinny legs didn't pack enough power to get him home quickly. "Here goes nothing." Jon reached down and bumped the resistance up to about 25%. Immediately his pace slowed to a crawl as his skinny legs began to struggle. "Damn it. I knew that was going to happen." Jon reached back down and bumped the resistance back down to 0. "Alright I need some new legs." Jon glanced over at the mirrored wall hoping to find a suitable target, but no one really stood out. Jon let out a sigh and looked back down at the display panel of the bike while he tried to figure out what to do.

"I'm already sick of advertising." Jon's ears perked up at a young woman's voice. "Stevens is such a terrible prof, and the class is so boring." Jon glanced over his shoulder to see a college girl with sandy brown hair walking towards him talking to another college girl with dark brown hair. "Nobody cares about tv commercials anymore. It's all about using influencers..." The girl continued to rant about her advertising class as the two college girls approached the stationary bikes next to Jon.

"Holy shit! This is perfect!" Jon's eyes had been immediately drawn to the strong legs of the sandy brown haired girl. "Those are exactly what I need!" Jon looked back down at the display panel of his stationary bike. "Okay don't be obvious." Jon glanced over to the mirrored wall. "I can see her in the mirror and I can see her out of the corner of my eye!" Jon looked back down at the display panel. "This is perfect!" Jon continued to gleefully pedal as the two girls reached the stationary bikes next to him.

"You really should have taken my social media class." Said the shorter girl with dark brown. "It's actually pretty modern, which is surprising since Dr. Kolt is in her 50s." The girl walked around in front of the bike and began to stretch. Jon, doing his best not to gawk at the girl, studied her short body. "Did you see how my sponsored post project came out?" The girl bent over at the waist giving Jon a perfect view of her well-shaped butt that was encased in a pair of grey leggings. "Kolt ended up giving me a 95% on it..." The girls continued to chat as they stretched.

"Shorts' legs and Leggings' butt would make a nice combination!" Jon had given the girls each nicknames based on what they were wearing. Out of the corner of his eye he watched Shorts adjust the seat position of her bike to one notch higher than Jon had set the seat on his bike "Her legs are longer than mine!" Jon struggled to hold back his excitement. "Okay focus Jon. You want those long strong legs." Shorts began to pedal her bike. "Look at how sexy and firm they are..." Jon glanced over to the mirrored wall and watched as Leggings hopped up on her bike next to Shorts. "And look at her peach! It's got such a perfectly plump shape..." Jon glanced back down at the display on his bike and closed his eyes as he began to fantasize about a threesome with Shorts and Leggings. "Those legs wrapped around me... And that ass... So firm... So plump..."

The increasingly loud buzz of his stationary bike wrestled Jon away from his fantasies. "15 miles per hour... 16... 17..." The speed reading on the bike's display continued to climb higher. Jon's eyes darted from the bike's display panel down to his now thickening legs. "Holy shit look at them grow!" Jon's eyes stayed transfixed on his skinny legs as they slowly began to pack on muscle. "Fuck this is crazy..." Jon couldn't believe what he was witnessing. It was as if each pump of the pedals caused his legs to grow a little bit thicker. "My god look at them..." Jon was enthralled by the sight of his strong legs rapidly pumping the pedals. "They're perfect!"

Jon kept his eyes focused on his legs until their growth began to taper off. "I better slow down so I don't burn myself out." Jon thought as his brisk pace slowed to a more leisurely pedal. "That's more like it..." Feeling his boxer briefs riding up, Jon shifted slightly on the bike seat. "Stupid underwear." Jon reached down and tried to discretely tug on his boxer briefs, but he couldn't seem to get them to budge. "Ugh... I guess reality still hasn't caught up..." Jon shook his head and continued to leisurely pedal, but his underwear seemed to be riding up even worse than before. "What the hell is going on?" Jon glanced over at the mirror. "Shit I forgot about my ass!" Jon's eyes were now fixed on the reflection of his deliciously plump butt perched atop the bike seat. "Damn now that's an ass!" Jon grinned as he admired his now athletic lower body. "I knew Shorts' legs and Leggings' butt would make a great combo!" Pleased with how his body was coming along, Jon decided ride a bit longer to let reality catch up with his changes.

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