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6. Jon's Power

5. Karyn's Power

4. Discussion, Decision and Disco

3. An obvious match

2. The Perfect Partener

1. You Are What You Wish

Perfect Partners - Jon's Power

on 2022-07-07 12:12:57

1632 hits, 173 views, 6 upvotes.

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Jon felt the change almost immediately, there was a sensation of pressure on his chest, then in short order he could feel the growing weight, after they stopped he felt the band of his bra form, tight around his ribs, just under his new boobs, followed by a reduction in the amount of weight pulling on his shoulders as the cups formed and transferred that weight to the band.

They still felt quite heavy. Looking down he saw they were quite large, bigger than Karyn’s. Much more than he could cover with a hand. He saw the tension across the fullest part in his shirt, little ripples caused by the fabric being stretched.

He also felt a thrill of arousal. His very own boobs! And Karyn could… the way knowing she could just change him further, make him more a girl, made him feel managed to surprise him. Intellectually he knew she could only do it because he would like it… but still experiencing being turned on by the idea was strange. It hadn’t occurred to him ever before.

He couldn’t help it, he found himself cupping them with his hands, getting a feel for how big they were… and getting his first real experience feeling up boobs. It felt kind of nice both ways, the feeling of boobs in his hands and the feeling of a gentle squeeze on his boobs. He stopped, quickly putting his hands down… Karyn was sure to mock him if he did too much exploring. He turned his body toward her, having been looking forward as they were both thinking. He felt the tug of his boobs as his body moved and their inertia briefly held them in place, then the pull to the side as he stopped and they didn’t, he felt as if his whole upper body had been yanked sideways by them as he stopped turning. In reality it wasn’t really enough motion to be terribly noticeable by anyone else. He felt additional sensations as they swung back and forth for a little while, his bra helping to damp the motion and get them settled sooner.

“What the hell Karyn?”

“I… well you zoned out and… I was curious what it’s like to… like boobs.” Karyn’s eyes seemed to be stuck on Jon’s chest, every time she looked away from his bust she found her gaze drifting back to it. She couldn’t look him in the eye for long. “Uh… well they’re uhm distracting, but… I think I kinda like… liking them… God this is weird though. Fun but weird.”

“Weird is right… Every time I move I feel them pull and lag behind and then pull again when I stop… it’s distracting as hell.”

“Uh huh, I know what you mean. My size boost feels kinda the same. I'm still getting used to mine too.”

“Uh… could you uhm… turn them off?”

“I could… but I don’t wanna, like I said, I’m enjoying them!”

Jon was going to say something, but a little thrill of arousal hit him, she was making him keep his boobs, forcing a bit of femininity onto him.

“Besides Jon-boyfriend, I know you’ll like it if I make you keep them. Who knows, maybe your voice is next… I wonder if girl-Jon has a pretty voice?” Karyn was grinning at him the entire time she spoke. She wasn’t lying about enjoying her half of the change, but she was also enjoying teasing Jon nearly as much.

Jon for his part blushed again, and couldn’t think of a response.

“So what can you do Jon-boyfriend, what did the wish pull out of my head?”

“Uh… well, two things… actually.”

“OH‽ Exciting!”

“You’re way too comfortable with this weirdness.”

Karyn giggled, “Hey, I’m just trying to get into being your girlfriend instead of just friend. The more I do the more I realise the stone was right. Now, what are they? I want the one that surprised you most first!” Her eyes had gone back to his chest, and she caught herself and looked back at his face.

“Hmmm… well I can…control how turned on you are… and when you… uh orgasm… I can also control those for myself too.” Jon was visibly flustered the entire time he was speaking.


“Not a surprise to you?”

“Nope… I um… think about that kind of thing a lot.” Karyn blushed a bit as she spoke. “Uhm… well that one will be… handy, we can just keep going as long as we want… and whichever of us is… female at the time… can always end satisfied…”

Jon’s eyes went a bit wide. “I… guess we could…” He trailed off as the implications of the second part of what Karyn said sunk in. “Uh…”

“So… what’s the other one?”

“Got a guess?”

“Nope, I was kinda expecting the, um, control one… I haven’t really got a clue what else it might have given you.”

“Uh… change the size of your boobs… within a range.”

“Wait, what‽”


“So you can change them back to normal?” Karyn said, finding herself a bit less excited about the idea than she was expecting to be.

“Uh… no… the uh… current size is as small as I can make them… that is… I can only make them bigger.”



“I… guess that explains… what made me… screw up yesterday.”

“I… did wonder.”

“I really did forget I was holding the stone, I don’t want to be blonde… but I guess they” she gestured to her chest, “do look pretty good on me… uhm… how big can they…”

Big. I… think almost basketball sized…”

Karyn’s eyes widened so much it seemed like they might start to bulge out of her head. “Basketballs‽” She imagined it, in her mind they were definitely way too big for her frame, and yet… part of her liked the idea.

“Yeah… I… considered showing you when you gave… me boobs… but well your clothes won’t change with them…”

“Oh… OH! Uh… thanks…” She agains found herself imagining her boobs ballooning out, snapping her bra… popping buttons off a shirt… she shook her head to clear it out, now wasn’t a time to fantasize. “I… uh… think I’ll wear a really cheap bra uh… if we have plans to…”

“What do you… OH!”

Karny turned bright red. “A button up shirt too…”

“Ah…” Jon found himself imagining what Karyn had in mind, he had to admit it did seem fun… “Not… today.”

“Could use the stone to… wish up some extra clothes…” Karyn’s eyes had ended up on Jon’s chest again, as they had several times during the conversation, she again forced herself to look back at his face. She’d found that every time he moved the slight motion in his chest distracted her.

“I…” Jon was very aware of both his bust and the effect it was having on Karyn, he also found that he liked both feelings, and Karyn’s interest in having her boobs pop themselves out of her shirt got him thinking about her forcing that on him… “Maybe another day… I think these” he gestured to his chest, “are enough weirdness for the moment.”

Karyn was a little disappointed, but Jon was sort of right, it would be a little better to play out some of these things on their own… and it’s not like she was ready to go any further than feeling each other up today.

“Aww… OK. Uh… Jon-Boyfriend… do you want to go back to… making out?” She was a little hesitant. “I… my parents won’t be home for a few more hours…”

“Oh… Yeah… OK…”

“You don’t sound excited…”

“I’m just… nervous. This situation is weird… I did not think through how this would go after my wish…”

“It is…” She paused for a moment. “C’mere” She gently grabbed his head with both hands and turned it towards her and pulled him into a kiss.

Jon for his part found her aggression here a turn on, and just let it happen.

Karyn broke the kiss, pulled back from Jon and grinned at him. “I could get used to doing that!” She paused again. “Uh… so making out?”


“Can I… touch your…”

Jon looked confused for a second, “OH! Yeah… as long as I can…”

“Of course you can, I already said you could… but for today lets… keep hands on top of shirts…” She was looking at his chest again, enjoying the view for a moment. “Uh… you might… enjoy yourself a bit more if you take your bra off…”

“I… uh… can you help me with that? I don’t think I can reach the clasp the way you did on yours…”

Karyn grinned, “You’re going to have to learn a lot about girl stuff Jon!” She leaned over to Jon and slipped her hands under the back of his shirt to get to the clasp. “I’ll have to show you how to put it on before you leave.”

Jon felt the clasp come undone, and the support the bra was giving his breasts vanish. He felt them slip out the bottom of the bra cups and settle a little lower. “Wait… what, you’re not turning me back?” He kept taking the bra off, he pulled his arms into his shirt and through the shoulder straps. All the movement was setting his breasts jiggling a lot, it felt very strange, and he found he liked it.

Karyn watched Jon pull the bra out from under his shirt, and enjoyed the view of them settling down from the jostling. “Nope! Nobody but us is going to find it weird, and I think you’ll like being made to be part girl.”

Jon couldn’t deny that, he’d felt it the moment she said she didn’t intend to turn him back.

Karyn grinned at him. “I’m pretty curious too… you never know when I might want to find out what it feels like to swap.”

The thought that she might actually swap their equipment between the legs at some point, without warning, thrilled Jon in a way he didn’t expect, even given what she had told him about the fantasy he apparently liked.

“I…” Jon didn’t know how to respond, he didn’t exactly want to tell her no, but… “Oh…”

“Maybe tomorrow you’ll be Jon-girlfriend!” She grinned at him. She could tell from his reaction that the implication about the potential change was having the effect she wanted. She wasn’t sure she would do that without checking with him first… but she could tell the potential was a turn on for him. “Now let's have some fun!”

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