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48. The Next Morning

47. Getting Some Water

46. Back to the Experiment

45. Charlie Gets Some Answers

44. Charlie Wakes Up in the White

43. Charlie Gets Shot

42. Stay as the Cop

41. Back Into the Cop

40. Sixty-Five

39. The Yellow Sky

38. Renee Doesn't Live There Anymo

37. Charlie Goes to the Library, B

36. Renee Has Some Money Problems

35. Hooker

34. The Violet Sky

33. Charlie Heads to the Library

32. Charlie Leaves the Apartment

31. Rachel and Ann Merge

30. It's Donovan

29. Someone Is At The Door

ABANDONED: The Next Morning

on 2009-02-05 00:45:04

824 hits, 67 views, 0 upvotes.

Animal Aware Body Swap Inanimate Magic Omni Part Theft SciFi Unaware

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The sound of an alarm clock woke Charlie up. Blurry-eyed, he searched for the clock and when he found it, he turned off the alarm.

He really needed that sleep. The previous day had been exhausting, for obvious reasons. Now it was a brand new day. One which would probably be just as exhausting as the one he just completed, though.

He sat up and pulled the covers away from him, noticing the woman's pregnant belly as he did.

He hadn't thought of it until then, but when he was in the kitchen during the middle of the night and the sky turned red, nothing had happened to him. He supposed that he thought both the unborn baby and the mother would have merged into one person, but apparently that didn't happen. Perhaps there were rules that prevented it from happening?

Charlie shook his head. Now he was referring to his predicament as a game. This was most certainly not a game. He just wished that the guys running the show could see that. But it was clear that they viewed the human race as some sort of substandard species. As their playthings to do with as they wished.

Charlie hoisted himself out of bed (at least the woman's pregnancy wasn't further along, then he'd really be in trouble) and walked out of the bedroom.

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