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7. The Very Rare Instance in Whic

6. The world around them begins t

5. Zoe's Mom: Things get 'easier'

4. Zoe's in Big Trouble Now

3. Stone Might Have Overdone on '

2. Jon and Zoe might be a bit dif

1. You Are What You Wish

Zoe's Mom: Who Can it Be Knocking at My Door?

avatar on 2022-07-09 20:47:56

1417 hits, 165 views, 6 upvotes.

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"Zoe!" Jon commanded in a stern whisper, trying her best to keep whoever the visitor was from hearing. "Who is that? You didn't invite any friends over did you? If you think you can turn this whole mis-wish thing into one big party you're totally mistaken!"

"Jon, relax," Zoe said rolling her eyes. "Do you really think I want anyone to see me like this?" she twirled her hair and motioned with her pink gel polished nails to the rest of her teeny bopper outfit. "Get a clue, I'd just die if any of my friends saw me right now!"

Jon felt a bit insulted, he didn't know if it was from Zoe's sarcastic tone, the sass and way she was talking back to him, or hurt that she didn't like the way she looked. Zoe was very pretty now that the wish had given her a wardrobe that wasn't layers upon layers of dark clothes and makeup that hid her features. And if Zoe thought she was ugly, what'd that mean for what she though of himself? That was his daughter after all, at least in this reality, and from the little time Jon had to inspect both of their new selves, they sure seemed to have a lot in common. Jon was about to launch into a tirade about how Zoe looks very nice in his opinion and shouldn't talk that way about herself, but was distracted from giving this lecture by the doorbell ringing a second time. It was a bit concerning how close on the tip of his tongue that little mother-daughter chat was though.

"You get it!"

"No you, at least there's a chance you might know the person!"

"You're the adult, mom, you answer it!"

"Fine," Jon grumbled, "but you better park your little behind on the couch in case I need your help. No running away and hiding in your room, got it? We're in this together."

"Got it," Zoe mumbled as she hammed up her walk to the living room like a death march, Jon nearly seeing the shame radiating off her body at being seen by anyone as she was. Jon shook his head at just how overdramatic and prissy she was being at such a minor little change. She may not have wanted anyone to think of her as some girly girl, but she was certainly acting like a hormonal drama queen. Has she always been this way and I'm just noticing it now? Or are her changes more than just cosmetic?

Jon minced to the door, giving his hair a fluff and straightening his dress, when a knock and a voice came from the other side of the door. "Zoe? Ms. Gibson it's me."

Phew, Jon relaxed. At least the voice wasn't a man's. It also sounded young, bubbly, and strangely familiar...

"Oh, Sarah!" he yelped. "I wasn't expecting you," Jon quickly recovered quickly into a more normal tone. Jon looked quickly back at Zoe to see here eyes as wide as saucers.

"I know, I'm sorry Miss Gibson," as she pulled Jon into a hug like it was the most natural thing in the world, feeling her chest meet his, another reminder of the melons on his chest and his smaller stature. Sarah wasn't short, pretty average compared to the other girls as he recalled, but now was another member of the increasingly long list of people now taller than him. "I meant to tell you, I should have figured Zoe would forget to mention I was picking her up early for practice. Oh, Zoe, come on, don't make that face."

Jon turned to see Zoe's face mired in confusion, obviously thinking the same thing- Practice? Practice for what?

Sarah continued, "I know you don't like coffee, but it's good fun to hang out with the other girls before cheer. I mean, you're going to be on Varsity next year, so you might as well get used to these things. Plus, didn't you say you liked the blended vanilla Frappuccino last time? I mean, it's practically a milk shake with all the syrups and sugars the put in. Isn't that right, Miss G?"

"Oh, yeah, of course, just a milkshake," Jon laughed. Not at the cliché comment from Sarah, but the tidal wave of information he'd just been given. Zoe, a cheerleader?! Carpooling with Sarah, her acting like Zoe was her bestie or protégé? It was delightfully hilarious and Zoe's dumbfounded expression and loss for words made this schadenfreude all the more delicious. It was the first time Jon felt like Zoe even experience even a tenth of the embarrassment he'd gone through since the wish. "Now Zoe, go grab your gym bag and don't keep Sarah waiting too long. Thank you again Sarah for giving her a ride."

Zoe made it to her room and heard some rustling and maybe even a few pillows or stuffed animals being thrown around before hearing her voice, "Uhhh... mom, can you come here for a second? I need some help."

Jon made his way into her room when Zoe quickly shut the door. "Jon, what are you doing? I can't go to a cheer practice! I wouldn't be caught dead with pom-poms and doing their stupid little dances and... and LOOK! Look at this stupid shit in my gym bag! Pink trainers?! I can't wear this!"

"Zoe! Keep your voice down and please watch the language? What if Sarah hears? I know you're not looking forward to this, but we can't just disappear for the entire week while waiting for the stone. At least this might help pass the time along. We need to know who we are in these realities and it might help clue you in on your new school routine. So can you please, put on your big girl panties and just go, I don't know, frolic with some cheerleaders for an afternoon? And look on the bright side, whatever secrets you learn about them you can take back once we find the words to reverse this wish. Okay?"

"Ughhhhh," Zoe again rolled her eyes which irked Jon more each time she did it. "Okayyyyyyy, but you owe me."

"Ha!" Jon chortled. "Not a chance. If anything, this is step one on a looooong way to paying me back. Now scoot!" Zoe turned to leave, but Jon couldn't resist one more opportunity to nettle her. "Oh, and Zoe, make sure you shake it extra hard for all the cute football players that might be watching." Jon could almost see Zoe's pupils ignite in rage and Jon was surprised she kept herself from slamming the door, a rather routine Zoe move when she was upset. Jon heard Sarah shout a "bye Miss Gibson!" and the door shut, thankfully, in just enough time to keep his laughter in. Once they were gone, he exploded into a fit of giggles, every moment of Zoe's predicament shining a bit of joy into an otherwise horrid situation. Jon almost felt lighter, refreshed, knowing he wasn't the only one completely out of his element.

After finally recovering and wiping his eyes of the tears of laughter, careful of course, not to smear his eyeliner, Jon heard a phone ringing with some Alanis Morissette song which he could only suspect was his. Exiting Zoe's room and entering his own room, which still made him shudder to think about, he found his phone buried at the bottom of a purse on the dresser. Fortunately for Jon, it wasn't anyone calling, just an alarm with the title 'Work.'

"Oh fiddlesticks, I forgot about that."

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