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5. Waking Up On Stage

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

The Reality Game: Waking Up On Stage

on 2022-07-16 20:46:20

764 hits, 120 views, 0 upvotes.

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Jon blinked, then blinked again, and then realized that was all he COULD do. All of his other muscles seemed entirely paralyzed and from what he could see he was engulfed in some sort of strange green light, emanating from some sort of alien looking spotlight above him. In the corner of his eye, he could see someone on either side of him, similarly frozen, but he was unable to turn his head to see who they were. Distressingly he was also completely naked, but even more distressingly the sight in front of him, beyond the light, filled him with dread.

It looked initially like he was looking out at a typical studio audience from some sort of stage, but something was entirely different from any show he'd ever seen. For one, the cameras were all floating in mid air, and had odd futuristic looking designs to them. Worse was the studio audience themselves; they were aliens. It was a huge crowd of extraterrestrials of all shapes and sizes, everything from basically human looking people with green skin or pointed ears, to beings that seemed entirely made of slime or rocks. That said they behaved like a studio audience, chattering, before erupting into applause as the lights came up and a tuxedoed man dashed onto the stage.

Jon strained to get a good view of the man, who had a large red lizard tail extending from a hole in his pants, but his back was to him. Still, he could hear him. "Welcome, one and all, ladies and germs, slug monsters and pumpkin people, to everyone's favorite show, THE REALITY GAME!" As he said the title, all of the crowd chanted along in a loud exuberant yell and upbeat jazzy music played. Jon could see in a monitor that a graphic with the show's name was overlayed atop the footage that was being taken.

The lizard man twirled his microphone, "The show where we take six unsuspecting primitives from a non space faring planet, shift them around a bit, and see what those crazy critters do!" The crowd burst into wild applause again.

Jon paled infinitesimally more, he hadn't signed up to be on an alien game show! Or had he? "A wish for something interesting" he thought to himself with mounting dread... Well this was certainly going to be interesting.

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