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8. Aside 1: Mike

7. Arriving home

6. Dinner with the sister

5. Michael Black, Karyn's dad

4. Parent teacher conferences

3. A different take on Zoe's wish

2. Jon and Zoe might be a bit dif

1. You Are What You Wish

Aside 1: Mike

on 2022-07-18 23:51:21

689 hits, 115 views, 5 upvotes.

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Music thrummed through the room as Mike lifted weights, trying to work out his frustrations. He wasn't even really sure what he was frustrated about. He could have pointed to his annoying cousin, but she hadn't done much to bother him today. Not really. He could have pointed to the parent teacher conferences that had happened earlier and the inevitable bitch-fest his mom was going to lay on him once she sobered up. He'd probably be looking at a grounding of some sort.

An attempt at one at least. He smirked to himself, but it fell away as quickly as it had appeared. He dropped the weight onto the floor and stood up, switching to pacing. He looked around his room because it felt right to. When he had put his mind to what the problem was, the thing that was nagging at him all evening, it seemed to be centered on his room. He had wondered if Zoe had snuck in and taken something. It wasn't really something that goody two shoes would do, but seeing her and his aunt Jen outside his room earlier had been suspicious.

He had searched, torn his room apart while chowing down on pizza, and found nothing. There was nothing notable missing. No money from his stash, none of his weed or condoms seemed to have been disturbed. Not that the nerd would be interested in those last couple of things. Probably end up being a virgin until she got some poor idiot tricked into marriage.

Nothing missing, but the feeling like something was. It had been bothering him all night and it just wouldn't stop. His phone went off, playing the song he currently had set as his ringtone. A text from his mom telling him to turn the music down. He was tempted to turn it up just to piss her off, but he was already gonna have to deal with her being pissy. Better to do what he could to downplay that.

He shut the music off and sat on his bed, nudging his weight aside. He just couldn't shake it. Like there should be something here. Something that he should know where it was. But he just... couldn't think of it. Couldn't find it. It was annoying. His eyes drifted across the room to a small wooden box and stayed there. That felt... close. But it was just an old box his grandfather had left him after he died. There was nothing in it.

And there... had never been. Right? He knew that was the case, but something was off.

Grabbing his phone, he shot off some texts. Asking Steve to bring some drinks and weed to school the next day and an explanation that they'd probably have to party on the down low for the time being. Another text to a couple of the girls he was pursuing. Had to keep them on the hook, after all.

He dropped his phone onto his nightstand and laid back on his bed, turning off the light. He'd figure it out tomorrow if it was still bugging him.

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