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85. Biff's Sexual Tension

84. Ladies room

83. Jon and Biff at the mall

82. Trevor at the mall

81. Trevor faces the day

80. Trevor wakes again

79. Biff and Jon get up and out

78. Trevor's Breakfast

77. Biff's night in

76. Trevor gets home

75. Trevor heads home

74. Milk for Trevor

73. Trevor getting ready to go hom

72. Dinner with Trevor

71. Jon gets changed

70. Hanging out

69. Changing Trevor

68. Impromptu Playdate

67. Lucy visits

66. Leaving daycare

Biff's Sexual Tension

on 2022-07-20 08:48:58

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As Biff approached the cafe where he had arranged to meet Karyn, he started to get nervous. He wanted to make a good impression on Karyn. This was strange for him as he had usually been brimming with confidence. He had never felt nervous around girls but his life had been turned on his head lately. He had been feeling more and more feminine lately but he still had no interest in getting involved with another man. He couldn't deny his mind had wandered at times and as he had embraced his feminine side he had wondered what it would be like to be perused by a man. He didn't want to spend the rest of his life alone so Karyn offered him the best of both worlds. She had shown that she would treat him like the sexy woman he was growing into. But underneath it all Karyn was still a female, roughly the same age as Biff. He could imagine himself having sex with her, although he didn't feel that he'd be the one leading the charge. He was much more passive now and hoped that Karyn would be the one to take charge in the bedroom. If anything he had seen from her lately then he was sure that would be the case.

Just before entering the cafe, he checked his reflection in the window. He smoothed down his skirt. His wandering mind had caused him to become aroused and his penis had grown a little bit under his skirt. Not enough to embarrass him but enough to notice. He reminded himself that Jon was the only other person who would see it but he had seen it all at this stage. Biff adjusted his top, tucking one of his bra straps back under the shoulder of his blouse. Jon excitedly pointed out that Karyn was already inside and sitting at a table. Biff took a deep breath and pushed Jon through the door in his pushchair.

Biff was greeted by a young woman at the door who asked him if he needed a table. Biff thought the girl was very pretty but he didn't give it more than a passing thought. He saw her more as "another" woman, subconsciously comparing his own perceived body to hers. Jon was more smitten with the hostess, smiling up at her. She gave him a big grin and welcomed them both in. Biff explained they were meeting someone and pointed over at Karyn who was waving at him. He made his way over and Karyn stood up to greet him. She kissed Biff on the cheek and rubbed her hand slowly down Biff's back which increased the butterflies in his stomach. Karyn turned her attention to Jon and leaned down to give him a kiss and tickle his tummy lightly. Jon just giggled, happy to see his friend again even if she was referring to him as her "baby girl".

Karyn held out Biff's chair for him and guided him into the table. Biff smoothed his skirt out as he sat, enjoying the attention from Karyn. Karyn then unstrapped Jon from his push chair and easily lifted him up. There was a baby seat at the table but for now Karyn sat, holding Jon on her lap and showering him with hugs and attention. In his old life Jon and Karyn had both been aware of a certain unspoken sexual tension between them. On Karyns side that was replaced with parental love for Jon but Jon still had enough self awareness to notice that he was sitting right next to Karyn's boobs. If Biff wasn't watching he could steal a squeeze and she probably wouldn't even notice. Jon felt his penis grow hard inside his diaper, thankful that it was hidden from view.

Jon snapped out of it and started to observe Karyn and Biff as they started chatting. He could tell they were both a bit nervous, Biff more so. Karyn complimented Biff's outfit and Biff just blushed. Biff's body language was interesting to Jon, he had his legs crossed tight below his skirt. Biff was constantly touching his hair and sat with one of his hands out on the table. Karyn gently reached over and held his hand while she continued to heap praise on Biff. She mentioned how she wanted to be there for Jon and hoped that maybe Biff could give her another chance too. Biff replied positively and smiled while looking deep into Karyn's eyes. He told her how hard it was as a single mother and how much he missed Karyn. Biff took the chance and suggested they all spend the night in Karyns House instead of just Jon. They could spend the evening as a family and then when theybgotnJon settled for the night, they could catch up and have a proper talk. Karyn was delighted and Jon noticed her adjusting her lap, as if adjusting a phantom erection which onyl Karyn could feel. Biff for his part was hard as a rock. His penis was stretching his panties to their limit and causing a big tent in his skirt. He had to uncross his legs for comfort and sat with his legs slightly spread which felt unnatural to him now.

With the awkward conversation out of the way and a plan made for the evening Biff and Karyn both relaxed a bit and turned their attention to Jon, doting on him like parents do. Biff had to play it up a bit as he knew that Jon could understand everything but he got into it, smiling happily whenever Karyn managed to make Jon giggle.

They ordered lunch and when the food arrived, Karyn put Jon into the baby chair and proceeded to feed him, giving Biff a break from his motherly duties for once. When biff had finished eating he excused himself to go to the ladies room. Karyn had continued showering him with compliments and he couldn't help lap it up. He thought he was falling head over heels in love with Karyn and needed a moment to gather his thoughts. Biff's erection had not died down and when he stood up and excused himself it stuck out in front of him, the only thing holding it down being his panties and skirt. Biff walked quickly towards the rest room, his penis bobbing up and down under his skirt as he did. There were two women at the sink chatting. Both looked at Biff and smiled as he came in but neither paid any attention to the bulge pushing his skirt out. Biff quickly entered a stall and unzipped his skirt, letting it fall down around his ankles. He looked down at his penis, bursting to get out of his panties. He peeled his panties down slightly, having to pull them out a lot to get them around his penis. He finally felt some relief and tried to think boring thoughts to make it go down. This was harder than he thought it would be as his mind kept coming back to Karyn and what he wanted to do with her that night. Biff knew he needed to get back out to Karyn and Jon so there was only one thing for it. He placed one hand around his penis and started to pump it. He looked down at himself, seeing how contradictory this all was. His upper body was covered in a delicate blouse, the cups of his bra clearly visible underneath. His stomach was hairless and he had trimmed his public hair into a much neater, smaller triangle. His wrist had a small ladies watch on it and his hand was wrapped around his erection. His balls were stil nestled in the soft silk of his panties and as they moved around the silk only added to the eroticism. Below that his legs were smooth all the way down to the small skirt that was pooled around his ankles. Biff closed his eyes and made sure to stay quiet. He was imagining getting into bed with Karyn and lying back while she mounted his penis and rode it hard. He knew Karyn desired him as much, if not more, than he desired her. She looked at him like he was the sexiest woman she'd ever seen and he was allowing himself to feel like it too. He imagined himself wearing some lingerie and sauntering across the bedroom to Karyn, Karyn's eyes glued to his every movement. As he imagined Karyn's hand instead of his own he finally felt himself organ and releasing all his tension. He was careful to catch his load in some tissue and quickly cleaned up. He pulled the panties back up. They held his package much neater now and when he pulled the skirt back up he was happy that his front looked much smoother. He exited the stall happy to find the room empty. He washed up and made his way back out.

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