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88. Sharon bumps into Biff

87. Biff takes a quick detour

86. Karyn brings Jon home

85. Biff's Sexual Tension

84. Ladies room

83. Jon and Biff at the mall

82. Trevor at the mall

81. Trevor faces the day

80. Trevor wakes again

79. Biff and Jon get up and out

78. Trevor's Breakfast

77. Biff's night in

76. Trevor gets home

75. Trevor heads home

74. Milk for Trevor

73. Trevor getting ready to go hom

72. Dinner with Trevor

71. Jon gets changed

70. Hanging out

69. Changing Trevor

Sharon bumps into Biff

on 2022-07-20 14:51:14

576 hits, 95 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Anthro MC Magic Myth Part Theft SciFi Unaware

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Sharon had successfully changed Trevor and had put him back into his pushchair. Just as she left the restroom she spotted Biff walking through the mall. Wanting to say hello to her new friend, she shouted, "Biff. Biff. Hi."

Biff hadn't expected to meet anyone he knew so turned around to see who was calling him. Seeing Sharon walking towards him, pushing Trevor in a pushchair he waved and smiled back at her. Sharon greeted Biff warmly with a hug and stood back to take in his outfit telling him he looked great. Biff thanked her and then said hello to Trevor. Trevor was squirming in his push chair, wishing he could get out and walk. He said hi to Biff and asked where Jon was. Biff pretended not to understand him as that would confuse Sharon. Sharon commented on Biff being child free and Biff explained that Jon was with "her daddy." Biff told Sharon he was going over there for the evening and needed to get some sleepwear in case he ended up staying. Sharon got very excited at this news and with a cheeky grin asked Biff if he and Karyn were going to give it another go. Forgetting momentarily that Trevor could understand him Biff let his feminine emotions run wild and opened up to Sharon. "Maybe we will. Karyn seems like a new man. He is so kind to me and he's still as hot as ever. I don't think I'd want to say no if things get hit and heavy tonight. And it would be great for Jon too." Sharon encouraged Biff to just let it happen if it was going to happen. Trevor was listening to every word and it was very frustrating for him. Sure, Biff's life had changed drastically but Trevor would take the life of a woman over his new life as a baby any day. Looking down at the dress he was wearing and the straps buckled tightly over his diapered crotch just drove home his new position in life. Trevor frustration grew and he felt his emotions getting the better of him once again. He felt himself start to whimper and couldn't stop himself.

Sharon noticed Trevor getting upset and wrapped up the conversation with Biff. She told Biff she thinked he was getting hungry and with a quick heave of her breasts she said that she could do with feeding him for her own sake. Biff sympathised with her saying he remembered how uncomfortable he would get when he was still feeding Jon. Of course, he had never fed Jon but it seemed like the right thing to say. Sharon saw a quiet bench that would give her some privacy and decided to feed Trevor over there. Biff offered to get her a coffee as he was going to grab one for himself. Sharon thanked him for being so kind and headed over to the bench.

While Biff went to get two coffees, Sharon wheeled Trevor over to the bench. He had grown more upset now and his whimpering had turned into crying. Trevor hated feeling like this. Deep down he knew it was silly but he couldn't stop himself no matter how much he tried. The only thing that started to calm him down was when Sharon unbuckled him and pulled him out of his seat. He hadn't thought he was hungry but he could smell the milk ready to burst out of Sharon's top. The smell was driving him crazy and just knowing what it meant made him very excited. Sharon sat down and lay Trevor across her nap. She covered his head with a light blanket to keep her breasts covered. Trevor was squirming around inside the blanket, frantically rubbing at Sharon's breasts through her top. Sharon reached her hand under the blanket and opened one side of her top and bra, allowing her nipple to pop out. There was a small drop of milk on the tip of her nipple and the scent of that was enough to guide Trevor's mouth and he latched on. He squeezed her boob with both of his hands which pushed the milk out a little faster. As he drank he calmed down and started to think a bit more clearly. He thought about how crazy it was that in the space of 2 minutes he had gone from being inconsolable to being completely content now that he was filling up on Mother's Milk. These baby emotions were one wild ride, he thought to himself.

As Biff walked back over for just a second, he thought the site of a teenage boy, dressed as a baby and sucking on the nipple of a young woman was a bizarre sight but he soon brushed it off. He admitted to himself that it was a beautiful thing to witness and he felt a little envy that he wasn't in a position to do the same for Jon. Biff gave Sharon her coffee and sat on the bench beside her. They chatted for a while until Sharon gently removed Trevor head from her nipple and with a practiced quickness switched him to the other one. Trevor was moaning gently as he fed and unknown to Biff and, obviously, Sharon was incredibly turned on by what he was doing. He was fully erect but was glad to know that both the diaper and the frills under his dress hid that fact from Biff.

Trevor eventually finished feeding and his head was in a fog. He couldn't think a full sentence, let alone attempt to speak but Sharon knew he was finished and gently placed him back into his push chair. Trevor just smiled at Biff with a vacant stare and his eyes quickly grew heavy and he fell asleep.

Sharon turned to Biff and said, "Now that she's asleep that gives me some time to relax. Why don't I come with you and help you pick out something sexy for tonight. I know just the place to look." She didn't really wait for an answer and Biff couldn't think of any reason to say no without hurting her feelings so they just stood up in unison and Sharon lead the way.

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