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4. One month later

3. The stone vanishes

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

One month later

on 2022-07-30 11:04:22

2190 hits, 242 views, 1 upvotes.

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Nearly a month had passed since Jon made his stupid wish, and now the stone was just a memory. As she had said she would, Karyn had cut her hair, and managed to find some dye a close enough colour to her original red.

Meanwhile life carried on as normal, Jon’s dad had taken some time off from his job in construction to work on the garden and refurbish their basement into a recreation room which was now almost complete. His mom had received a promotion at the advertising agency she worked for which meant they had a bit more money coming in too.

Karyn and Jon were sitting in his room working on a school assignment when there was knock at the door.

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