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12. Breakfast time

11. Another discovery

10. The final two emerge

9. Dads turn

8. Zoe

7. It was Mom

6. The next morning

5. Karyn’s mom has to go away

4. One month later

3. The stone vanishes

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Breakfast time

on 2022-07-31 15:15:22

2545 hits, 220 views, 3 upvotes.

Age Aware FTP Herm MTF Part Theft SciFi Size Super

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Jon and Karyn made their way downstairs to where the rest of family had already gathered. Each of them looking uncomfortable. Jon’s dad was placing a round of toast onto the table, whilst constantly pulling at his new underwear that appeared to be riding up between his cheeks. Zoe was sat at the table in her usual goth attire, but she was wearing a slightly larger skirt than she usually would, possibly to hide her new bulge. Mikey was already stuffing his face with sugary cereal, seemingly unphased by the mornings events. Laura was pacing up and down on the phone, she was wearing her usual work blouse, but had opted for a pair of loose linen trousers rather than her typical pencil skirt.

“Ok, thank you, I’ll tell them. Yes I’ll keep you updated. Ok thanks again, bye” she said. She sighed and put her phone down on the counter as her husband brought her a cup of coffee.

“So, that was the hospital, apparently they’ve already had a few reports of this happening this morning. The only thing they’ve advised is for us to go about our day as normal as possible, and keep them updated if there are any further changes. Other than that, they’ve said not to panic, and they’ve got their best people looking into the matter” she said after taking a sip of her drink.

“You mean I have to go to school with this!” Zoe exclaimed, tapping her hand onto her groin, then wincing as she realised she might have done it a little to hard.

“We’ve got gym class this afternoon!” Jon added, “how are we supposed to explain this?”

“The hospital is sending letters out for all those affected exempting them from such thing for the time being” Laura replied, “I know it’s not ideal, but that’s what we’ve been advised now eat up you lot or you’ll be late!”

They ate breakfast in relative silence, and were soon making their way to school.

“I wonder who else was affected?” Karyn said eventually breaking the silence.

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