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4. "I wish everyone had fox tails

3. Take things slow

2. Jon's Experiments

1. You Are What You Wish

Touch fluffy tail

on 2022-08-02 02:54:04

937 hits, 130 views, 2 upvotes.

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"I wish everyone had Fox tails!"

Jon, you magnificent bastard, you've truly plumbed the depths of the human psyche with this one. At least, that was the groaning thought he had as his palm impacted his face.
What could he say? He'd gotten excited, his wires had gotten crossed.
As his fingers slid down his nose, he stared at himself in the mirror. His new tail lashed angrily. It was large and fluffy, with a burnished orange color bordering on red. Jon tapped his chin, and flicked it back and forth, testing out his new muscles for controlling it.

It felt natural. Very natural. While the new muscles felt strange, the way his spine flowed into his tailbone felt quite easy to grasp. not only could he move the tail around, he could feel every bit of it's flow, tip trailing back and forth behind it's fluffier mass. Watching it move brought Jon pleasant memories of Carmelita Fox.

He turned this way and that, watching the long orange tuft flicker like a huge and fluffy flame. He swung it around his body and hugged it to his chest, snickering at how soft it was. It felt good to bury his face inside it. Overall, he supposed it could be worse, as he looked over the charming little white flourish it ended with. He supposed he had better get used to it. Given the way the stone worked, it would take some creative thinking to undo it, and he wasn't quite feeling ready to sit down with a notepad and work out some devilishly clever wish to undo it.

As he hugged his tail, he heard a knock at his bedroom door, and offered a slightly surprised "come in!". The door opened, and revealed Zoe, leaning against the door frame with a disparaging expression. He'd think that was odd, but that was what she tended to look like, so he didn't really pay it any mind.

"Hey Jon, mom said to remind you we're all going to the movies tonight. If you want to come, you should start getting ready." She idly flicked a lock of her red-tipped hair with as much visible disinterest as she could manage. Jon lit up.

An opportunity to see his changes in public? Of course he'd want to go out! "Sure! Tell her I'll be all ready in a bit!" He shot her a thumbs up and a cheesy grin, and she rolled her eyes.

"Whatever." She left, heading down the hall, and Jon's grin persisted, entirely because he was watching her tail go along behind her. It was just as fluffy as his own, but what had him gleeful was; it had been dyed black, to match her hair and outfit! In this new universe, people having tails was not only normal, but there was fashion to consider with them! He had to know how far it reached...

"I wish I knew everything about how the tails have effected society!"

Jon received a rush of information.

Fascinating! Tails were in fact part of fashion, much like hair was. Their default colors ranged from dark red to an almost honey yellow, with the occasional one dipping further into white! It seemed to be fairly independent of hair color, which he supposed made sense. They were dyed just like hair, and clothing was made to accommodate them (which explained the hole he could feel in the back of his jeans.) Humanity really had had them forever now too. Images arrived in his mind of historical figures like Ghandi, Abraham Lincoln, and Joan of Arc, all with fox tails, which nearly made him bust out laughing. It was just absurd enough for the comedy to overcome the weight of the fact that his grandpa had been a damn liar. This stone didn't have a range. Not even close. His new memories proved that he'd effected the entire planet.

Trying not to think about the implications, Jon threw on his sneakers and a flannel and headed downstairs to go to the movies.

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