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3. H. Terminalis: redesigning man

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish

H. Terminalis: redesigning mankind

on 2011-01-17 01:36:46

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Someplace in the far future in a distant solar system a lone ship drifts into orbit around a lonely world. The ship is massive, it's been traveling the void for thousands of years.

On board the craft an androgynous Being stood before a podium in a small room. She was bald and hairless like all of her species, she transparent gown easilly showed that she had no genitals as was typical of their species. Upon her head was a crown of glowing crystals that shown a pillar of light upon her body.

Two more such beings soon joined her, one was short and a bit thin, the other had a more stocky butchy body.

"Councilor Arakki, why have you called us here" the stockier one asked.

"Chairman Vale," then Arraki turned to the thinner one "and Chairmen Chen. We have reached our goal, and also a crisis. Long have we Homo Terminalis fled through space to avoid the destruction of Earth. And as our species name shows we are the end of the line for humanity unless we take action. On the colony world we'd be subject to inclement weather and natural disasters, the cloning machines will not last forever. Once they fail we'd die and the last of humanity with us. To survive we need to recreate homo sapiens we need to redesign a species that can reproduce and redesign the two genders. I called you here to decided which gender gets which traits."

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