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26. Hlilsburg: Dress up Time

25. The Inevitable

24. Dear Old Dad

23. Hillsburg: Confrentation

22. Sixty-Seven Percent

21. David fights back?

20. Post-game Afterglow

19. Fitting In

18. Another Template

17. Changing Back...ish

16. Seduction

15. Hillsburg: Cafe

14. Hillsburg: David's Day Out

13. Hillsburg: The next day

12. Return to Normal

11. Glitches

10. Switching up the lesson

9. Class Coninues

8. Class Begins

7. The effects of daydreaming in

Hillsburg: Dress up Time

on 2013-11-05 20:58:55

1390 hits, 100 views, 0 upvotes.

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David wanted to lock himself in his room. The best thing would have been to isolate himself off until all of this madness was over, but his head wouldn't allow him. Inside his mind an excitement was growing. He had already experienced a small fraction of what could be done through the high school simulation his family had to endure. "Well, this isn't the first time he's ended up as a woman...I guess it can't hurt." David thought. He tried to repress it, but he felt himself getting up and out of the room. He walked slowly walked towards his parents bedroom and saw Steven, now 'Barbie'. Standing in the middle of the room perfectly still. Her arms were at her side and elbows bent at a 90 degree angle with her facing forward, just like you'd see a real barbie doll do. The face was barely recognizable, and plastered with a cheese grin.

"Okay Davey!" She giggles. "Dress up time!!"

David took a moment and actually admired the figure. She was incredibly tall, even with heels, and definitely passed 6". Her new figure was tight and slim with long beautiful legs. David spent most of the time staring at her ample breasts which would have looked ridiculous on any normally proportioned woman, but seemed to fit here. She didn't even mutter a word as David ogled her. With an erection forming he went into the closet. It was now morphed into a walk, much large than their parents original. David wondered how it even fit considering their house, but was more taken away by the amount of clothing that stuffed it. From Halloween costumes to an array of lingerie there seemed to be an outfit for everything even imaginable. Different shoes lined across the floor and an entire cabinet of accessories was in the back. Even different props were in the room coordinated with special costumes. David was overwhelmed by the possibilities. In came Barbie, giggling the entire way. "Well, what's it gonna be honey?" She said.

David was still uncomfortable by this all, but had to choose an outfit for her. He ended up picking a simple costume: A ruby red swimsuit with a lifeguard emblem on the chest. "Well, here you go..." He told her as he draped the one piece swimsuit over her extended forearm. She blinked a few times and laughed.

"You're funny!" She started. "You know I can't put it on without your help!"

David was a little shocked, but at the time time a bit excited. With the raging erection in his pants, he ultimately decided to go along with it. He placed her hands at her side, letting the swim suit fall to the floor. Then he put his hands on her should pulling down each strap of her dress. What he saw threw him off even more as he pulled down her dress. She wasn't wearing any underwear, and for good reason too. The walking talking barbie was more true to her name as she lacked any nipples or genitals!! There were just flat patches of skin on her breasts and crotch. "Um where's your...ya know." David muttered.

"My what?" She said, still enthusiastic as ever.

"Never mind." David decided not to question it further. His erection went away and he just wanted to get this over with. He took off her heels and began to slip the red baywatch-esque swimsuit onto her. It clung perfect and almost by instinct he grabbed her a whistle and a red float can that she grabbed onto.

"Hooray! Beach day!" She said, not even realizing the closest beach was miles away from their town.

David walked with the Barbie doll woman out of the closet and the two of them went downstairs. "This is gonna be a long week." He thought to himself.

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