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32. Hillsburg: Leaving the beach.

31. Heavy Labour

30. Or Hardly Working?

29. Working Hard?

28. Slow day at the beach

27. Beach Time

26. Hlilsburg: Dress up Time

25. The Inevitable

24. Dear Old Dad

23. Hillsburg: Confrentation

22. Sixty-Seven Percent

21. David fights back?

20. Post-game Afterglow

19. Fitting In

18. Another Template

17. Changing Back...ish

16. Seduction

15. Hillsburg: Cafe

14. Hillsburg: David's Day Out

13. Hillsburg: The next day

Hillsburg: A bite to eat.

on 2013-11-08 01:00:18

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Animal Anthro Aware Inanimate Omni SciFi TF

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David sat in his car in the afterglow of his orgasm. He contemplated what he had just done. On one hand he wasn't to blame. Dr. Gilmore was a maniac ruining the lives of everyone in town, but on the other hand David felt guilty enjoying it. Watching the two blonds that used to be middle aged men gave David the hard on of a lifetime. There was no denying it would be on his mind and the best thing he figured to do was release a little tension. Besides, no one but David and Dr. Gilmore seemed to comprehend the alterations. David wanted to continue watching the Barbies, but a pang of hunger made him realize he didn't eat much. With all the strange situations he underwent he didn't have much of an appetite until now. He backed up, gave one last glance at the two Barbies now back into their positions, and drove off.

David ended up across town at a burger joint he had never ventured to before. He figured being as far away from his house would be best. He didn't want to continue altering anyone he knew. He parked and walked inside the restaurant. Nothing was amiss as he stepped inside, the place was quiet for a Saturday. David figured the place wasn't doing so well as the host was excited to see him. He sat alone at a booth and looked through the menu. From the corner of his eye nothing was changing. "So far so good..." He thought.

"Can I getcha some coffee?" A voice said.

David thought he heard someone familiar, upon looking up he saw someone he recognize. It was a woman his age, Jasmine, if he recalled correctly. She recognized him as well and grew a cheeky smile. "David!" She said ecstatically.

David remembered her from high school. Back then she was a real go getter, acing nearly every test and extra curriculars to boot. He was actually a bit disappointed she ended up working in a place like this. Her waitress outfit wasn't exactly flattering. It looked close to a retro 1950's style with apron and large skirt. The few years weren't too nice to her either as her figure became more plump, but she was still quite beautiful.

"Oh, hey Jasmine, how are you?" David asked her.

"Well, you know, keeping up." Jasmine said, looking away. "Can I sit down?"

"Um, if you're allowed to, sure." David said as he looked around for her manager.

"Oh don't worry, the place has been dead for a few weeks." Jasmine said as she sat across from him. "Business has tapered off, and now that we're cut off from society by Dr. Gilmore we're a bit more loose in our rules."

"Well I guess that makes sense. Can't really be consistent with all these changes." David said to her. "Have you, uh, experienced anything strange?"

"Oh do not even get me started!" Jasmine exclaimed.

"So you've seen how perverse this man is too right?!" David replied, hoping he wasn't alone in that thought.

"Well, perverse is hardly a term I'd use for something so cutting edge. I guess it could be abused by the wrong hands, but a little open mindedness is necessary for these kinds of things. They didn't accept the Earth revolving around the Sun at first." Jasmine explained.

"B-but you said you some strange things!" David said.

"Yes, strange, but the whole thing isn't just for his personal pleasure. The announcement initially scared me too, I understand if you're worried..." She placed a hand on his forearm. "...but we all didn't do so well in college David. Some of us work hard to make ends meet and if this is an opportunity to be part of something big we just have to accept Dr. Gilmore and his work. In fact, some of it's kinda funny..."

She chuckled, but David wasn't so amused. "If you don't mind me asking, what kind of things did you experience?" David inquired.

"Hmmm...." Jasmine had to think about it for a moment. "I remember being home during the initial announcement. Luckily when he made the men of the town into french maids we didn't have anyone in the family in the age range, but we heard stories from the neighbors. I think we were spared for the first day, but soon I started to notice some odd changes. One night I come home from a long shift and my parents had their heads placed onto the bodies of Vegas showgirls. They were just doing the can-can in the living room for what seemed like hours! When I went upstairs I saw my younger brother's head decked onto some kind of stripper magician. I caught him pulling quarters out of his cleavage! And I'm sure you remember that whole 'Kayla' thing. Boy I can see why those cheerleaders were so full of themselves back in high school. Oh, there's my manager. Let me get your order." Jasmine stood back up.

"I think I need more time, could I just get more coffee?" David said.

"Well of course, tell me when you're ready!" Jasmine said as she walked away.

David felt a bit of relief that he wasn't the only one undergoing changes, but he needed to figure out some kind of plan. Maybe if he got enough people to rebel against the Doctor they could overwhelm him. Too many people at once could over load the system, and how much could one man process at a time anyways. Jasmine could be a great help. She was so smart in high school too, and beautiful. In fact, really beautiful, sports was definitely on her list of after school activities and it kept her in shape.

David found himself caught in a day dream when Jasmine returned with a cup of coffee. "Ready yet?"

When David looked to her his eyes widened. Jasmine had been returned to her high school figure. His fantasizing regressed her age back to 18, she hadn't even noticed.

", do you feel any different?" He asked.

"Just a little stressed." She replied. "Do I look like I'm breaking out? It's so hard to balance school and work and all those clubs! I can't wait to be in college next year!"

David didn't know what to do. He wanted to get up and leave but something compelled him to stay.

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