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34. Hillsburg: The Long Legs of th

33. Hillsburg: Hot on the menu

32. Hillsburg: Leaving the beach.

31. Heavy Labour

30. Or Hardly Working?

29. Working Hard?

28. Slow day at the beach

27. Beach Time

26. Hlilsburg: Dress up Time

25. The Inevitable

24. Dear Old Dad

23. Hillsburg: Confrentation

22. Sixty-Seven Percent

21. David fights back?

20. Post-game Afterglow

19. Fitting In

18. Another Template

17. Changing Back...ish

16. Seduction

15. Hillsburg: Cafe

Hillsburg: The Long Legs of the Law

on 2013-11-18 04:24:14

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David payed the check trying his hardest not to get caught up with another one of the workers. While some retained their original selves a lot had become much like Jasmine: 18, figured, and dressed in the least amount of clothing. The restaurant seemed to have boomed now that is was part brothel. An older woman in a dress suit walked up to David as he paid.

"I'm glad you enjoyed your meal sir." She said.

"Uh, thanks..." David recognized the clothes and pieced together that the manager had undergone a transformation into the head of this new whore house.

Feeling strangely satisfied with himself David went back to his car. He didn't know where he could go without causing another shift in reality, but at this point he didn't care. Almost like he was defeated he simply gave into the fact Dr. Gilmore made him a guinea pig. In fact, David was even starting to fantasize what he could do to people now. Images conjured inside his head of the most perverse things. He could force women into becoming lesbians, or have them touch themselves right in front of him. Anyone he wanted could be tied up in rope and leather and have them engaged in BDSM acts. Heck it wasn't even restricted to women, men too would be like putty in his sweaty hands. His heart began to race, but in a brief moment of clarity David snapped out of his fantasy.

"This is what Dr. Gilmore wants, not me!" David thought to himself. At a red light he rested his head on the steering wheel. "Just can't do anything. I could stay here if I wanted." David kept thinking. Lucky for him the street wasn't busy at all and he stood through a few light cycles in silence. Eventually after he calmed down a bit he lifted his head, but knew instantly that was a bad decision. The first thing that caught his eye was a woman standing at the corner waiting for the cross walk. She paid no attention to David, but David himself felt captivated by her.

The woman looked to be David's age, maybe a bit older. She had on a thin grey sweater, a scarf, a red denim skirt going down to mid thigh and black stockings ending in pumps. As she was beautiful, tall and thin David found her very attractive, but something in particular kept his attention. The stockings on her firm tight legs were mesmerizing. David wasn't a leg man, but now he must have implanted with the fetish of women's stockings. It felt like an eternity that David ogled the woman's nylon covered legs. The light changed and David enjoyed watching her gams walk across the street. He began to massage his erect cock when a honk startled him. The light had changed and he had to move. He decided to get a quick glimpse of the woman and drive off. Who knows what he would do to her if given the chance.

David sped off forcing the image out of his head, but he couldn't. He wanted to see those legs again, touch them, massage them, feel their warmth on his finger tips. David's heart raced again as his foot pressed more and more down. Of course, this pushed him past the speed limit and it wasn't unnoticed. The siren of the police forced David to slow down and pull over. It couldn't be more worse for him as he rested his head on the steering wheel again.

"Sir, I'm gonna need you to look at me." The officer said. David complied and looked up. The man looked like he was in his mid 30's, quite fat, and wearing the gray uniform of the small town's police force. "Any reason you were going so fast?"

"Um, Dr. Gilmore's fault?" David tried to argue.

"Nice try, but Dr. Gilmore has assured that he wouldn't influence anyone into criminal acts." The officer explained.

"And you believe that guy?" David blurted out.

"Alright Smart ass, get out of the car!!" The officer was ticked.

David got out and stood right in front of the officer. He was almost a whole foot taller and very bulky. There was no way now out of this and David tensed up.

"Put your hands on the car." The officer demanded. David obeyed and became subject to the officer's frisking. "Hmmm, you're clean...luckily. But you're still getting that ticket....dammit I can't believe I left it in the car, you wait here!"

David got up from being over the car and nervously waited. The officer went back to his car and began searching for his ticket book. He had to go inside his vehicle to search more and he wasn't even in sight anymore. David had the idea of escaping when the cop called out "Don't even think about, I can hit 80 miles in a minute flat with this baby! Got it!" The officer said finding his book.

David now sat on the hood of his car and watched the officer get back out, but something was different. Instead of the legs of the officer, two feminine legs came out from the car. David recognized them as the legs of the woman from earlier, with the same shoes and stockings. The rest of the police officer followed and David could see in full veiw what had happened. The beer gut of the police officer now connected to the lovely hips and legs of the woman from before. He walked with a sway in each step while writing out the ticket. He wasn't even 6 inches away from David, scribbling away.

"I swear, no respect these days...." The officer mumbled.

Now David couldn't resist. He had to have a feel of the toned legs in front of him, regardless of who they belonged too. David reached forward and started to touch the soft black fabric. His face went completely red and his erection was coming back. Not yet satisfied he lifted the leg up and rested the heel on the hood of his car. He took the shoe off the officer's foot and massaged from the toes all the way to the thighs.

By now the officer had finished writing the ticket and handed it to David. David took the ticket and crumpled it in his free hand. The officer was shocked but couldn't move out of the position David posed him in. The hand feeling up the sexy leg went farther up and began to massage the officer's new womanhood. This caused the officer to blush and slightly bite his lip. David unzipped his pants and whist still massaging the leg he rubbed his dick right then and there. Eventually he achieved another orgasm and squirted his load on the leg propped up, splattering all over the nylon. The officer had a mixed look of surprise and content and looked back at his ticket book.

"Maybe I can forget this one ticket, just this once..." The officer said, with a hint of flirtation.

David felt unstoppable from the whole experience. The police officer walked back to his car, giving David a view of his feminine rear. This was beginning to be enjoyable...

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