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31. Hillsburg: Better? Or Worse?

30. Hillsburg: Successful Trip

29. Hillsburg: A plan of Action

28. Hillsburg: Changed Mind

27. Hillsburg: A modest request.

26. Hillsburg: What's on TV?

25. Hillsburg: Normal is relative.

24. Normalcy never lasts

23. Restored

22. Sixty-Seven Percent

21. David fights back?

20. Post-game Afterglow

19. Fitting In

18. Another Template

17. Changing Back...ish

16. Seduction

15. Hillsburg: Cafe

14. Hillsburg: David's Day Out

13. Hillsburg: The next day

12. Return to Normal

Hillsburg: Better? Or Worse?

on 2013-11-11 17:06:56

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MTF Magic SciFi

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David wasn't too pleased at how calm Dr. Miller was acting.

"With all due respect sir, how are you so calm at a time like this." David asked as he sat in the chair across the desk.

"Calm? You think I'm calm?" Dr. Miller sat back up and put two fists on the desk. "I'm quite possibly the most stressed man on planet Earth right now. Luckily for me however I drink my green tea everyday. That usually calms me down. There isn't a point in panicking at a time like this. It harms the mind."

David rolled his eyes. His last ditch effort was starting to look like a dead end. The man started to act and even reeked like some new age hippie. Noticing his disappointment Dr. Miller decided to cut to the chase.

"So my colleague...hell if I would even say that...has done quite a number on you huh?" The Dr. asked.

"I've done...things..." David quietly muttered.

"Don't feel bad." Dr. Miller reached out his hand and placed it on David's shoulder. "We're safe here."

"But how is that possible? He controls everything." David questioned.

"Do you think those on the Manhattan Project didn't think of buying bomb shelters?" Dr. Miller answered. "I was the only smart enough to put it in my lab. There's a few others who helped with the project out there doing who knows what."

"That doesn't explain anything." David said. "This place doesn't look like much of a bomb shelter. Anyone could get in."

"Well, very true, but I've built a different kind of defense. I guess I should explain...." Dr. Miller started.

"I have the prototype of the machine we build together. It doesn't alter reality as so much keeps it together. If there were to be a disaster, God forbid, I could somewhat 'reboot' this area as long as all the computers in the basement work."

"You've got to be kidding me." David was in disbelief. "The power could easily go out."

"I've got generators and gas for weeks." Dr. Miller answered. "But you're not letting me get to the good part! I'm sure you found me by the article written on me. The whole "Theory of Everything" mystery cracked. Familiar with the subject."

David slowly nodded his head, but still looked confused.

"I wasn't too confident in that, so let me try to simplify. The current holy grail of science is the Theory of Everything. A mathematical formula that explains how everything in our universe has come to be. But that was the tip of the iceberg, the only bit of information the Government allowed us to reveal. The truth is we dug far deeper into the riddles of the cosmos. Now I realize we were tempting fate. The Theory only gave us a starting point, but it was Dr. Gilmore research on subatomic strings that really pushed it forward. He was relentless about it, near to insanity, but dammit he figured it out. The universe we currently live in works much like a computer. Every thing is made from binary like structures we called strings. If we found it vibrating, it was like a 1. Not vibrating was like a 0. Unfortunately we ran into a road block, our computing power was minuscule compared to our needs to actually use this information. Of course, Dr. Gilmore found another answer, but it disturbed us all greatly. What is the greatest computing force in our observable universe: The human mind. The brain itself is just a massive collection of strings interacting and altering itself and things around it. Through double slit experiments we've already concluded the mere act of observation changes particle behavior, but that's small potato. When Alan used his own mind as a sort of engine he tapped into a vast source of power that allowed the very bending of reality itself. But this is the road block he suffers now. As powerful as his mind was it only could allow a small field of change. He needed more minds, and when we discovered his sick and twisted plot we all voted him off the project. We foolishly assumed he couldn't rebuild things on his own. Oh, what I would give to get a second chance to really give him what he deserved."

David took a moment to process, but it made sense. The more minds Dr. Gilmore had under his control the farther he could extend his influence.

"So, why are we safe, we're not 'contaminated'?" David asked.

"Well, I'm not. I haven't been altered once I made sure of that." Dr. Miller continued. "You passed out when I scanned your mind and hooked it up to the prototype. Our field of safety expanded to encompass the entire street. However, I did find traces of Dr. Gilmore's influence in your mind. Not enough to overpower you, but still I'm sure you know what its causing."

"So I am contaminated..." David said solemnly.

"Chin up, no moping now." Dr. Miller got up from his desk and looked through the blinds of his office window. In the lighting of the room David could see Dr. Miller's clothes were dirty and worn out. He must have locked himself away a long time. The tall frail man looked back at David. "There are those out there still not fully immersed in the program. If we seek those out we can...


David's despair grew worse. He couldn't keep eye contact with the doctor, as now his lower half was morphed into that of a leggy female leggy magician. His dirty slacks were replaced with blue lycra shorts and black sheer tights. Dr. Miller stood on blue heels and continued speaking. "...we can build enough power in our machine to counter act Gilmore's! It'll take a miracle, but if I build a proper defense you can..."


David cringed at yet another change. Now between his head and waist Dr. Miller had a football players body. The gear looked much like the local high school's with shoulder pads and all. He even had a football now resting between his gloved hand and female thigh. " can go outside without being altered. It's a tough mission but..."


Dr. Miller's head found itself now on a buxom figured woman's body dressed like something you'd see in a bad spy movie. His outfit was a tight black spandex one piece suit with matching combat boots. He sat on his desk with legs crossed right in front of David and bent over. The zipper on his chest was pulled all the way down revealing a large amount of cleavage. David would have loved it if the old man's face wasn't right above it. "... but somebody has to do it. I'll stay here and manage the home base. I can't explain how much this is..."


Now Dr. Miller had on a tight navy blue lifeguard's one piece. It clung onto the now slender frame of Dr. Miller, still woman from the neck down. Dr. Miller now spread himself horizontally on the desk giving David full view of his athletic body, now even with a golden tan that mismatched Miller's pale skin. One hand mindlessly reached into the desk's drawer and pulled out tanning lotion. Miller pulled down each of his swimsuit's straps past his soft shoulders revealing tan lines. He sensually rubbed lotion all over his skin, spending extra time on his toned legs. "...this is sink or swim. You'll be out there just trying to tread water. I can't guarantee safety but if you do succeed..."


Now his head was perched on top of a naughty school girl's body. He sat back up and again and spread his legs. His plaid microskirt did nothing to cover up the pink panites he had on. His stockings went up to his thighs and he casually dangled his heels off his foot. With his blouse tied up David found himself lost again in the mountain of cleavage. "...if you do succeed, I'll like totally let you go all the way tonight!" Dr. Miller giggled.

It seemed Dr. Gilmore finally got the best of his colleague.

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