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35. On the outside once more.

34. What kind of test is this!?

33. Hillsburg: In the lab

32. Hillsburg: Not Entirely Lost

31. Hillsburg: Better? Or Worse?

30. Hillsburg: Successful Trip

29. Hillsburg: A plan of Action

28. Hillsburg: Changed Mind

27. Hillsburg: A modest request.

26. Hillsburg: What's on TV?

25. Hillsburg: Normal is relative.

24. Normalcy never lasts

23. Restored

22. Sixty-Seven Percent

21. David fights back?

20. Post-game Afterglow

19. Fitting In

18. Another Template

17. Changing Back...ish

16. Seduction

Hillsburg: The Mission Begins

on 2015-02-08 23:16:56

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David found himself stuck between a rock and a hard place. He absolutely needed to get out of that basement and stop the mad Doctor controlling the city, but who knew what he would run into. Then again, staying in the basement lab of Dr. Miller could be its own trouble as well. While Dr. Gilmore was mad with power, Dr. Miller just seemed naturally insane. To even think it would be a good idea to turn himself into 4 lingerie clad models made David fear him as well. Still, David was his own person and hopefully resistant to any more changes. He had to trust Dr. Miller and the shield that he proposed. Of course with reality becoming more and more unraveled could he trust anything?

The walk through the empty hallway was too quiet and eerie for David. He walked faster and faster but upon reaching the door he was paralyzed with fear. Once he turned the knob he would be exposed to the new Hillsburg. David mustered up as much courage as he could and walked outside. Much to his relief the town still looked like a town. In fact, if you didn't know any better you could see it as any other quiet suburb. Before he could even walk around the noise from his earpiece distracted him.

"David, David do you copy??" The earpiece buzzed.

"Um, uh, where's the damn button on this thing..." David said as he felt around his ear.

"Nope, no button, I can hear everything. I don't want you turning this off for a second!" Dr. Miller responded. "I can't get a visual on you so if anything happens I need to know at that moment!"

"Oh jeeze, just try not to talk so loud." David groaned.

"I can make you mute with a few keystrokes, so cut the back talk please. Tell me what you see." Dr. Miller asked.

"Nothing, nobody. It's quiet around here." David replied.

"Toooo quiet. I need you to-KRRRZT. You'll need to get to the-FRRRMPT. And once you're there it's important to-KZZZ....." Dr. Miller's voice stopped and David was left with silence.

"Are you kidding me?!" David said feeling around his ear piece.

"Hey, did you catch any of that!?" Dr. Miller's came back.

"You're breaking in and out!!" David told him.

"Of course, Gilmore is fighting me over control, I'll try my best to-BZZZZ- stay on the line." Dr. Miller said. "But if I break up with you just find a better spot. If you keep moving you'll-PFFFZZT"

"Dammit!!" David screamed out loud.

He knew he had to keep moving. Dr. Miller was providing instructions he couldn't even receive. By logic, being a sitting duck would only give Dr. Gilmore more of a chance to mess with David. He got his legs moving, but the day was leaving and the sun started to decline. He was burning daylight and it didn't help the temperature was dropping. "Worst day to wear a skirt!" David mutter as he walked, feeling the breeze brush his hairy legs.

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