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12. Return to the Kitchen

11. Glitches

10. Switching up the lesson

9. Class Coninues

8. Class Begins

7. The effects of daydreaming in

6. Locked In

5. Control

4. Awakening

3. The Mysterious Case of Hillsbu

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish

Hillsburg: Back to...normal?

on 2013-03-21 21:31:49
Episode last modified by DatWeirdOne on 2019-11-18 00:44:06

1151 hits, 68 views, 0 upvotes.

Anthro FTM MTF Myth NBM Omni Super Unaware

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The classroom setting had faded, and the family found itself back in the kitchen. They all looked around and noticed something was quite wrong. While their heads changed back to normal, they all found themselves with the morphed bodies they acquired in the simulation. Steven, the father, had the busty and shapely body of the teacher. Denise, the mother, had the hormone filled body of a 18 year old boy. She started to sweat as she looked over to Andy, still possessing the body of a 21 year old stripper school girl. David was the luckiest one as he kept his gender.

"What the?!" Steven yelled out. "What the hell are you doing to my family!!" He screamed out to Dr. Gilmore, hoping the disembodied voice would respond.

The room stood silent as everyone waited. Eventually David spoke.

"See, this is why I didn't trust that building! Now look at us!" He said matter of factly.

"You were right sweetie!" Denise tried to calm him down. "But now there's nothing we can do! He can control our reality and we just have to play along."

"Easy for you to say mom!" Andy muttered. "You got to live out your fantasy and I got stuck as a girl!"

"Hey hey hey calm down with that!" Steven told him. "She didn't know what she was doing! She was under the Dr.'s control!"

"I'm sorry pumpkin, if there is anyway I can make it up to you..." Denise placed a hand on Andy's stockings covered thigh and immediately became aroused. "...just let me know and I can make you feel reaaaallly good!"

"Denise!" Steven called out. "Get a hold of yourself!"

"Oh, sorry sorry!" Denise pulled herself back. "This body is just...overwhelming."

The conversation stopped as they could hear radio chatter in the room. They looked around to see where it was coming from when a familiar voice began to speak.

"As you can see..." Dr. Gilmore spoke over everyone in the room. "...there are still a few kinks to work out. This was the best I could do in the mean time. I'm attempting to find the bug in the system as we speak."

"YOU BASTARD!" Steven screamed at the top of his lungs as he rose from his seat. "YOU SICK BASTARD! YOU MADE MY WIFE A PERVERT AND MY SON A STRIPPER!"

"Please, Steven, calm down." Dr. Gilmore instructed. Steven, as if by command sat back down and readjusted his skirt. "I understand you all are upset. I too am upset that the program did not work as intended, but in the mean time I can offer a solution. I'm going to rewire your brains to believe this is normal. With the limited actions I can take at the moment you'll just have to be a hybrid of the two identities you find yourselves possessing until a more permanent solution can be found."

"What?! We don't want that, we don't want to...." David was cut off by another flash. When the family looked around at each other they felt a bit different. "...we don't want any more interruptions during our after school study session. Mrs. Stevens please continue."

"Thank you David. Now that Dr. Gilmore has left us to be, we shall continue our study of the female anatomy. Next up on the study guide are the female breasts."

Mrs. Stevens undid her blouse and exposed her tits to the others at the table. Denis was absolutely enthralled as he slid his hand down his pants. Andi simply giggled and began to undo her shirt as well...

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