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26. DMU - Skip to Gym

25. DMU - further investigation

24. DMU - the experiment begins

23. DMU - yes

22. DMU - further research?

21. DMU - 2nd Period in the Librar

20. Downstairs Mix-up - 1st Period

19. Downstairs Mix-Up - Zoe’s morn

18. Downstairs mix-up - arrival at

17. Downstairs Mix-up - A McMillan

16. The last McMillan

15. Mollie the maid

14. Biff

13. Earlier that morning

12. Breakfast time

11. Another discovery

10. The final two emerge

9. Dads turn

8. Zoe

7. It was Mom

DMU - Skip to Gym

on 2022-08-22 11:34:35

1425 hits, 169 views, 2 upvotes.

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The rest of the day was pretty uneventful for all, and soon final period rolled around, and for Jon and Karyn’s year, that meant it was gym. As Jon’s mom had said, the school had received notice that they were exempt from the class for the day and they were ushered into an empty classroom along with several other students. Jon took note of who was there with them. He was correct in guessing that Yukio was swapped, and was surprised to see he was wrong about Sarah, who was sat at the back of the room with Biff. Abby Andrews was sat by the window texting on her phone, her legs spread revealing a pair of boxers under her skirt. The final one of their group was Steve “the stud” Farber, who was also sat near Buff and Sarah, leaning back in his chair against the wall.

“Ok everyone” came a voice from the doorway, it was Ms Warren, One of the lower grade teachers, who happened to have Mikey in her class.

“I know you think you’re getting a free period right now, but some of the scientists investigating what’s happened today have made a request. You’re all to follow me to the auditorium for a quick examination” she said, indicating that they should follow. Reluctantly the gathered students stood up and followed her down across the school. As they did, Jon couldn’t help but notice that Ms Warren had a bit of an unusual gait today, but as she was wearing a long loose skirt, was unable to tell off she too had been a victim of this little mixup.

Before long they had reached the auditorium, where they found a small team of doctors waiting, along with a couple of screens and some ultrasound equipment.

“Good afternoon everyone” one of the doctors said stepping forward, “if you could all take a seat on the left side of the room, and we’ll call each of you over. We just want to ask you a few questions, and if you’re comfortable with it, maybe take a few scans of your…new attributes” she said.

“The good news is, once you’ve been seen, you may leave early. It’s the least we could do considering the stress you’re no doubt feeling today” Ms Warren added. There was a general murmuring among the assembled group, and they dutifully took their seats. The doctors began partitioning the room with the screens around each machine. One doctor stepped forward and called for Sarah, a second called for Abby, and finally a third called out

“Jonathan Gibson!”

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