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3. Superpower

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish


on 2011-05-09 14:31:21

1356 hits, 55 views, 0 upvotes.

Age MTF Omni SciFi TF

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Terry Stevens walked home from the bar. He never went there for drinks. Only for girls. He figured a bar would be the best place to get lucky. He wasn't exactly the handsome type and to him a girl was a girl.

Tonight was just as unlucky as the last thousand nights. He sighed, realizing that he'd once again have to get to bed early to make sure he got up in time to get to work. He was a repairman at the local news station. He kept the elevators running, the electricity on, the plumbing working, etc. That place would be in shambles if it weren't for him. It was currently the only thing he lived for, which was a little sad, he supposed. A 26-year old like him should be out doing something more exciting than fixing elevators and copier machines. But that's what he got for being a college dropout.

He knew he had more potential, but he never got his chance to prove it.

Until tonight.

He continued to walk back to his apartment when suddenly there was a loud boom. He looked up into the starry sky and saw a bright yellow object blast across the horizon and then crash somewhere in the forest to his right. Wondering what it could be, he ran into the woods and kept running until he saw the yellow glow.

He pushed the remaining brush and tree branches out of his way and saw the object that had fallen from the sky. It was at the bottom of a small crater. He slowly and carefully slid down to the bottom of the crater, to get a better look at the object. Then he touched it.

"YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN!" a loud booming male voice yelled.

Terry jumped back at the sound of the voice. "Ch ... ch ... chosen? Chosen for what?"

But he got no answer. He waited and waited, but he still got no answer. Figuring that maybe he had to touch the glowing object (it looked like a formless glassy sort of stone, about a foot in diameter, by the way), he placed his hand on it again.


"What kind of power?" he asked, still touching the object.

"PREPARE TO RECEIVE YOUR POWER!" the voice boomed.

Then, while Terry was still touching the object, a bolt of yellow electricity shot up his arm and knocked him unconscious.

Sometime later, Terry woke up. He looked at the object. It was no longer glowing. But that's because the power that was within it was now within him. He didn't know how he knew that, but he did. He also knew another thing. He knew exactly what kind of power he had. As impossible as it seemed, he now had the ability to ...

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