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74. Ryan, Samantha, and friends co

73. He does have the Seafarer Gun,

72. Back to Jay and Athena, and a

71. Mr. Sallow, the Seafarer Gun,

70. Searching the halls, meeting L

69. Rachel and the doctor have a d

68. Ryan and Samantha finally open

67. Nicole finally hears back from

66. Designing a safe place to keep

65. Sarah makes a few good wishes

64. Jon, Karyn, and Sarah know how

63. Wishes for knowledge

62. Does the wish work on everyone

61. They go upstairs to Jon's room

60. So what have Sarah and Karyn b

59. Jay and Kyla tell each other w

58. Zelda is changed back to a cyb

57. Back to Kyla, as we find out w

56. The Random Gun overheats! Boom

55. Random Gun transformation craz

Transformation Guns: Sallow's mutineers

on 2022-08-23 20:45:35

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McMillan Tech Industries basement lab complex, secondary lab

Ryan Leeson, Samantha Duncan, and Randall Jeffries had been joined by Larry Eastbrook and Carrie Brierton in their search for Research and Development Department Head Doug Sallow. They had found him in the secondary lab, in a very strange meeting.

The meeting was a group of disgruntled Research and Development employees, all of whom had been zapped by some Transformation Gun or another. Some by the Goth Gun, some by the Punk Gun, some by the Steampunk Gun, some by the Clown Gun, and some by the Seafarer Gun. Doug Sallow fit into the last category, and was now dressing in what was often referred to as 'pirate garb', and speaking in a stereotypical pirate accent and nautical jargon.

Others present included Arnie Amspoker (zapped with the Punk Gun), Teresa Talton (a geek zapped with the Goth Gun), and Milt Smukmeyer (Walter's dad, zapped with the Steampunk Gun). The group appeared to be voicing grievances against McMillan Tech Industries CEO Richard McMillan and its COO (Chief Operating Officer) Clay Dankworth. Clearly they had not heard about what had happened to Mr. McMillan and others at the Board, or Mr. Dankworth's untimely demise.

"Look," Jeffries said. "We know you have every reason to be mad at McMillan, and even more reason to be mad at Dankworth. Everyone knows Mr. Dankworth bullied you, intimidated you, and gaslit you a dozen or more times. And we all know we deserve our fair share of the profits from our work. But this isn't the way to get things to change!"

"He's right." Samantha said. "All you'll end up doing is getting yourself fired, and thrown in jail!"

"Well I don't see any of YOU doing anything about it!" Arnie Amspoker said. "We're fed up and we're not going to take it anymore!"

"Mr. Dankworth is mine!" Sallow growled. "After all he's done, he deserves to walk the plank!"

"It's already too late." Ryan said. "Mr. Dankworth is dead."

"What?" Teresa Talton said. "Are you serious?"

"You'd better not be trying to trick us." Milt added.

"I told ye once -- if I find yer lyin', I'll have ye keelhauled!" Sallow growled.

"You can't be serious!" Larry blurted out. "Do you know what keelhauling even is?"

Ryan was sure Sallow knew what the word meant, even if he didn't before the Seafarer Gun zapped him. He was about to interrupt, but Larry continued ranting.

"It's a nautical punishment that can only be done on board a ship!" Larry said, "In case you haven't noticed, we're nowhere near a ship. We're not even anywhere near the lake Lake Point is named for! We're in the basement of a tech company building, so your cliched piratical threat makes no sense!"

"Larry!" Carrie called out, but it was too late. Larry's outburst had already caused Sallow and the others to glare angrily.

"Laddie, I'd watch yer tongue." Sallow said. "Ye be makin' the crew very angry."

"I've had it!" Amspoker said, pulling a Transformation Gun out from under a table. Teresa and Milt also pulled a few out. Then Sallow proclaimed "Ye be not interferin' in our mutiny! Either ye join us or ye suffer the consequences!"

Larry raised his Restoration Gun, but Amspoker was a step faster. He zapped Larry, and Larry changed, while the others raised their respective Transformation Guns.

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