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7. Herself (Different Personaliti

6. Mom

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4. Conjoinment

3. Set Up for Trouble

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

One into Two and Two into One

on 2022-08-24 19:43:22
Episode last modified by Ansem on 2022-08-26 18:48:38

1128 hits, 159 views, 5 upvotes.

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Jon wasn't the proudest of what he was thinking, but it'd be too interesting to pass up on. He crept out of his room and looked down from the stairs at his mother. She and his father have been having issues lately and she was feeling very lonely lately. He was about to make it so she was never lonely again...

Taking the stone in his hand, Jon made the first part of his wish. "Alright... I wish that I had two moms. One of them is a serious, hardworking career woman that still loves her family dearly and makes a good amount of time for them. The other one is a super feminine and domestic housewife with a similar deep love for her family. Both of them have all the memories of my original mother and rather than fighting over who is the original, the two of them openly and cheerfully identify as the same woman and love one another like a married couple."

In a quick flash his mother was suddenly divided into two nearly identical selves. One of them was in a full business suit that was very form fitting to her curves. She had a pair of glasses on and her normally long hair was in a bun. The other mom was in a simple dress and an apron on. This mother was wearing a little more makeup than her counterpart and her hair was a bit 'bouncier'.

"What just happened?" Jon's business mother asked, blinking a few times.

"I don't know... I think I was about to get started on dinner..." Jon's motherly mother replied.

"Right, and I was working on getting that promotion at work." The two of them looked at one another and smiled. They leaned inwards at one another and gave each other a kiss on each other's cheek. "Good luck!" They told each other before turning to walk away.

"Not so fast..." Jon said as he picked up the stone again. "I wish that my two mothers were suddenly stuck together as two heads on one body, each one controlling their respective halves, but they could feel the whole thing. And once the initial shock of getting stuck together in the same body wears off, the two of them find that it's super intimate, it makes them feel sexier, and being stuck together makes them especially aroused by one another, leading to the two of them deciding that they want to stay like that permanently."

With the wish granted, his two mothers were barely across the room from each other before an invisible force suddenly yanks them back towards each other. With a yelp and another flash, the two of them had one body again, but this time there was two heads on top of it. The two of them were wearing all the clothes they had on previously, leaving an apron on top of a blazer on top of a dress and whatnot. The two of them shook as they tried to get a grip on what just happened. They looked at one another before checking down at their new shared body.

"What on Earth?!" Business-Susan shouted as she tried to pull them one way.

"W-wait, honey!" Motherly-Susan squeaked as she tried to pull them the other way. After a bit of back and forth, the two of them looked at one another again. "We're stuck together?!" They both shouted in confusion. It took a while, but his now two headed mother made their way to the bathroom to look at themselves. Sure enough, their flesh was seamlessly fused together.

"Oh my God..." Business-Susan commented.

"I know... What happened?" Motherly-Susan asked.

"Not a clue..." Business-Susan answered. Looking down at their body in the mirror, she was surprised by what she saw. They both were. "Is it just me, or are we...?"

"Hotter than runway models?" Motherly-Susan responded. Just like the wish had commanded, the two of them found their conjoined state to be sexier than their normal ones. The two of them looked at one another before a matching grin appeared on their identical faces.

Striking a pose in the mirror, Business-Susan said, "I'm liking this..."

"We're so close now..." Motherly-Susan said, matching her counterpart. "How about we stay like this?"

"I could stay stuck to you for a while..." Business-Susan said. They two of them turned towards each other and kissed one another for a moment before turning to leave the bathroom. With an beautiful confidence, the two Susans strut towards their destination...s... As soon as they exited the bathroom, the two of them pulled in separate directions, causing their body to pull them back and bonk their heads against one another.

"Ow..." They moaned as they both rubbed their heads. It didn't take a rocket scientist to tell what had happened, so they were left awkwardly in the middle of the hall. "Uh... Where to?..." They both asked...

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