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3. Realitybender

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish


on 2013-09-17 15:38:19

5955 hits, 303 views, 3 upvotes.

Age Herm Musc Myth Part Theft TF Unaware

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"Nick?" the woman at the door asked, causing the man sitting in the waiting room to look up at the mention of his name. The woman was a therapist that he had an appointment with today. From the look of her, she seemed very professional and conservative. Prim and proper. Well, Nick could fix that.

He nodded, then stood up, dropping the magazine he was reading on the table. The woman hadn't even noticed that the magazine had been changed. What was once a weekly entertainment magazine had transformed into what was essentially a nudie porn mag. Basically, all the women in the photos had been unclothed. That was Nick's power. He had the ability to change reality however he desired.

"This way," the woman said and Nick followed her into her office. Once inside, she asked him to sit, while she took a seat behind her desk, straightening up some papers.

Nick sat back and gazed at the woman, who seemed to be in her early fifties. She had a nice face, but not much in the chest area. Before his therapist could say anything, Nick spoke first. "Did you get work done?"

"Huh?" the woman asked, looking up from the papers she was trying to organize.

"Breast implants, right?"

Suddenly, her B-cups expanded into E-cups, causing her starch white blouse to grow larger to accommodate her larger chest. But like all the others Nick manipulated, she didn't notice.

"Yeah, actually. Is it really that noticeable?" she asked, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Well, when you wear a tube top, yeah, it's noticeable."

The moment he said it, her very conservative top morphed into a light blue-colored tube top, something she had never worn in her life. But now her closet at home was filled with them.

"Well, I figured that if I got a boob job, I might as well show them off, right?"

"How old you?" Nick asked, looking thoughtful. "Early twenties?"

Suddenly, the woman's age dropped by almost thirty years, regaining her lost youth. And man, was she sexy, especially with those huge knockers. But it might be a little hard to explain a 20-year old therapist, so he quickly made another change.

It looked like the woman was going to say "yes", but before she could, Nick said "No, I guess you're more like mid thirties, right?"

She aged. But she still retained her beauty. She was just more mature, but much younger than she was originally.

"Yeah. I guess I just feel like I'm still in my twenties."

"You exercise a lot?"

"Every day." She cleared her throat. "So, Nick ..." she started, wanting to get their session going. Enough chit chat about her. Now it was time to talk about her client.

Or so she thought. After all, Nick wasn't done with her yet.

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