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3. Role Reversal Bracelet: Jessic

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish

Role Reversal Bracelet: Jessica's Story

on 2015-03-21 17:05:37
Episode last modified by Noy2222 on 2022-06-25 04:08:38

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Jessica Ambrose decided to cut through the park after work. Sure, she had her own parking spot right by the office, but the weather was finally nice and she desperately wanted some fresh air after being cooped up inside all day. The breeze on her bare legs felt wonderful, and she didn't even mind walking the whole way in her stilettos.

In fact, the click-clack of her four-inch heels reminded her that, at 40, she was as graceful and beautiful as ever. She relished being confident and sexy - although some would say vain. But she didn't have time for the haters. She was successful, her husband was too, so why shouldn't she enjoy it? She looked down at her sleeveless yellow blouse and black pencil skirt, which hugged her figure tightly. Lots of women younger than her would die for such a figure. She was proud.

As she walked, her downcast eyes caught glimpse of something on the sidewalk. She stopped to examine it. It was a bracelet - cheap, plastic, probably worthless. But for some reason, Jessica was drawn to it. She bent down and picked it up, examining it closely. Certainly gaudy, and not something that would complement her outfit. Yet strangely, she felt compelled to slip it on her wrist. As she did, she also felt an odd sense that someone was watching her.

She continued on, almost forgetting the trinket she'd just picked up. Her mind wandered to more important things. Like her husband - their anniversary was coming up this weekend. They had dinner reservations, and Jessica couldn't wait to get all dolled up and spend the evening with her man. But she had so much to take care of before then. Not the least of which being their son, Jared.

She thought she'd raised him right, but at 18 she was starting to wonder. His grades in college were beginning to slip, and now he was on his way home for break all week. She briefly wondered if her own self-interest over the years kept him from developing the drive and responsibility she possessed. It didn't help that their interests were about as far apart as possible.

Jessica was still wondering what to do with Jared as she pulled her Jaguar convertible into the driveway of her beautiful home. Entering the front door, she nearly tripped over the massive bag of dirty laundry in the foyer. Socks, gym shorts, and stained shirts spilled out of the top. If he thinks I'm going to waste all my time doing his laundry, he's got another thing coming! she thought to herself.

She crossed into the living room, to find Jared relaxing on the couch. "Oh, hey mom!" He said, as he got up to greet her. Unmotivated and messy he may be, but he was still her son. She moved in and wrapped her arms around him in a hug, and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

At that moment, everything froze. Jessica suddenly became dizzy and everything went blurry. One moment, she felt her lips against Jared's cheek - then in an instant, she felt a pair of lips on her cheek. Her dizziness passed and things started moving again - but things felt very different.

"Was your drive alright, sweetie?" she heard her son say. Jessica blinked and stepped back. Jared was standing there, smiling. With lipstick on his lips... and mascara... and eyeshadow... and a yellow blouse, black pencil skirt, and Gucci pumps. The exact outfit she was wearing. Except she wasn't wearing it anymore - she looked down at herself and saw loose jeans, and a t-shirt over her unsupported breasts.

"Okay..." she said out loud, trying to puzzle out what the fuck was going on.

"Good! Now about that pile of laundry by the front door..." Before Jessica could even react, she heard another voice behind her.

"There she is! How was work, beautiful?" She turned and saw her husband, who walked right past her and wrapped his arms around Jared before kissing him deeply. The young man returned the kiss for a few moments, then pushed away.

"Dean! Easy does it!" Jared said, gesturing to his mother.

"Sorry kiddo!" her husband said noticing the shocked look on her face, "Since you've been out of the house, I guess your mother and I have been a bit more frisky!"

"Honey, please! You're embarrassing him!" Jessica's face was turning red - but she was feeling far more than simple embarassment.

"Oh Jared, my boy's a grown man now! He can handle two adults loving each other. Right son?"

Jessica stared blankly, not quite realizing her husband was addressing her.

"Say, now that the family's all together, why don't we go out to dinner?"

"Great idea!" Jared said, "Just let me get changed!" He turned to Jessica, "And you better wear something nicer than those ratty jeans, young man!" He went upstairs to his parents room, but not before receiving a playful slap on the ass from his father. Jessica's head was spinning. She looked at her wrist and then, like a light switch, everything clicked. The bracelet was still there even though she'd switched clothes with her son. It had given her an uneasy feeling when she first picked it up - it must have been responsible for this. When she made contact with her son...

"So, Jessica," her husband said to her, "Any luck with the ladies on campus?"

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