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3. It started at Poker Night

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1. You Are What You Wish

ANFSCD: It Started at Poker Night

on 2015-12-20 21:52:51

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Animal Aware FTM FTP Herm MTF SciFi Unaware

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Ron Lawson loved his weekly ritual. Here, in his buddy Keith's basement, cigar smoke hanging in the air, ice cubes clanking in his scotch glass, and the occasional rrrrip of cards shuffling. Poker night. Guys' night. And his only real escape from his dull home life.

"So I heard Allie passed her driver's test!" Jeff asked him as he dealt the next hand. He and his wife were expecting, and lately he was asking everyone probing questions about their kids.

"Yeah. With flying colors. I just wish she was that dedicated to her other studies."

"I hear ya, man," Keith remarked. His oldest daughter was in college, his youngest was Allie's best friend. "It's a crazy age. But enjoy it while she's still under your roof!"

"She's already bugging me about a car. And Tina's egging her on! It's like she wants her daughter to be treated like the princess she never got to be."

"I don't envy you fellas at all," Tim said. "Me an' Scott are going hunting this weekend. Gonna do some real father-son bonding! While you guys are braiding hair, we'll be tossing back beers in the woods!"

"He's only 18, Tim," Jeff said.

"What, are you gonna call the cops on me or something?" He chomped harder on his cigar. "Besides, my old man did it with me. It's a rite of passage! Not that any of you pussies would understand."

"Well I guess you'll have to get drunk, since you couldn't shoot a deer to save your life!" Keith's comment made the whole room roar with laughter.

"And that reminds me," Keith continued as he reached under the table. "I thought you should have these, Tim. Pass them on to Scott." He pulled out a stack of magazines, Playboys to be exact, and threw them on the table. "Steph found my stash. She's makin' me get rid of 'em."

"Heh. Wow, buddy. Thanks. Not sure the kid would be to keen on it, though. It's all about the internet these days. Besides, don't you want to keep this one?" Tim reached into the pile and pulled out a magazine that was different than the rest. "Cosmopolitan, eh?" Tim said. "Something you want to tell us?"

"Shut up man, it must be one of Tiffany's old magazines."

"Uh huh. And she just happened to hide it with your pornos?"

The ribbing continued, but Ron found himself staring at the cover. Sure, the young starlet on the cover was just as hot as the playmates. But there was something about her that was almost... magnetizing. He couldn't take his eyes off her.

He finally shook himself out of it and took a sip of his drink. But as soon as the alcohol hit his tongue, he felt himself cringe. He had to fight hard just to not gag. It was like the first drink he'd ever had in his life. He set the drink down and hoped nobody had noticed his reaction. Tim had snuffed out his cigar, and looked like he was about to be sick from it.

"I really ought call it a night," Jeff told the group. "Jane hates having me out late."

"Yeah, yeah," Keith said, trying to look unfazed. "Same time next week?"

"You know it," Jeff said. "Come on Ron, I'll give you a lift."

"Sure thanks!"

That was a nice gesture from Jeff, Ron thought. Though he didn't want to say much about it on the ride home. It was a quiet ride. Jeff was such a generous guy, even though he was the youngest in the group and got plenty of ribbing. And Ron always tried to look out for him.

Something about that night had been bothering him, though. It was harder to think about it. It must've been the scotch, but he hadn't drank anywhere near his usual amount. He hoped he wasn't coming down with something. But Jeff's music was already giving him a headache. He thought about asking him to change the station, but wasn't sure it was worth the trouble.

Before long, they'd pulled up to Ron's house. He stumbled out and made his way to the door - Jeff waited until he made it inside. That was so nice. He quietly found his way to his bedroom, and slipped in unnoticed beside his wife Tina. Before long, his uneasiness was gone and he was deep asleep.

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