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3. Open To Suggestion

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1. You Are What You Wish

Open To Suggestion: The Wager

avatar on 2017-03-25 17:10:47

1694 hits, 104 views, 0 upvotes.

Age FTM Magic Musc NBM Super Unaware

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Author Note: This is an story of mine which I first posted on But thought it might work here.

Looking back at recent events I suppose that I have no-one to blame but me and my big mouth.

It was my birthday I was now the grand old age of 21. I and a few friends had decided to go to one of those hypnotist shows for a laugh. Joe one of my mates had got the tickets. He had gone a few weeks before and had spent most of the since talking about it. Now here we were sitting in the pub next to the theatre waiting for Joe and Amy (his girlfriend) to arrive. There was Susan my on again off again girlfriend (more off than on at the moment). Her best friend Jane. Steven one of my good friends, I had known Steven since school we had grown up together and had a habit of playing practical jokes on each other. Of course there was me my name is Pete aka the geek (well that's what most people call me).

"You know there is no way I can be hypnotised" I said smugly. "Why is that?" asked Jane. "Too strong willed" I answered. "That's bull" said Susan "You can get talked in to anything" she went on to say. "Come on you two no fighting tonight". "We are out to celebrate Pete's birthday not fight" said Steven. "Ever the peace maker Steven said Jane. "You know me" he replied. Just the Joe and Amy arrived "Hi guys who wants a drink" asked Joe as he walks up to the booth we were sitting in. After a minute or two we had worked out what everyone wanted and me and Joe walked to the bar to get the drinks.

About ten minutes later we got back to the booth with the drinks (what can I say the pub was busy) I saw the others sitting there talking to another guy who looked familiar but I couldn't place him. "Oh there you are "said Susan looking up. "This is Bob" she continued. "Hi Bob "I said looking at him. "I know this will sound strange but have we met before" I asked him. "Don't think so" was his answer. "Strange you look so familiar" I told him it was at this point I looked round the table and everyone else had big smiles on their faces. "What is it" What have I done now" I asked. "Nothing " Susan said this is Bob Powers otherwise known as Dr. Robert Powers the man we are going to see in a few hours time. "Oh sorry but at least I recognised you from somewhere I just couldn't remember where" I said to Bob apologetically.

"Not too worry it happens a lot" he replied. "I was sitting in the next booth having a drink before the show and I couldn't help but overhear what you said before you went to the bar" he said to me. "What was that got your attention" I asked him. "Well you said that you couldn't be hypnotised" he replied. "Yeah that's right I'm strong willed I said to him. "I have heard that a lot over the years but one by one I have managed to put them all under" came Bob's reply. "I would like to propose a harmless little wager with you" he went on to say with a twinkle in his eye. "Really what might that be" I asked. "Simple". "You come backstage after the show and I will try to put you under". "If I do it you will admit to everyone here that you can be hypnotised" he said. "And buy us all a drink each" shouted Steven. "That part you can work out yourselves" said Bob. "What happens if you can't put me under" I asked. "Oh that's the best bit as far as you're concerned". "I will give you '£100 on the spot and give you all a free ticket to any show in the theatre" Bob went on to say. "Sound like a win, win situation but how do we get backstage" I asked "Not too worry I will fix that" Bob said. "Are we agreed then"he asked. "Why the hell not" was my answer.

With that Bob went about signing the back of all of our tickets with his name a word which he would let the theatre know about so that we could get backstage after the show. He sat with us for about another half hour and then left to start preparing for the show.

I won't bore you with the details of how we passed the time until the show started or what show was like by now most people have seen one of these show or have a good idea of what its like. Myself and my friends enjoyed it a great deal and would make sure we told Bob that when we next saw him. So now after nearly three hours we headed to side of the stage to go backstage to meet up with Bob and get my easy '£100. As we got nearer we were stopped by one of the security staff. We showed him our tickets and he took us through a few doors and told us to wait outside another door. This turned out to be Bob's dressing room. A few minutes later we were shown inside and there was Bob have a drink of water.

"Hi guys nice to see you again" he said. "I will be with you in a minute". "Just make yourselves comfortable". We all sat down and waited for Bob to finish what he was doing. After a few minutes he came over and sat down next to us. "Sorry about that just sorting out tomorrow night it's my last show here for a few weeks I need a little time off you know" he said with a smile. Now as to what happened next I only found out afterwards from the guys. Bob asked to sit beside him and he said he was going to put me under the next thing I knew everything had gone black. Susan told me that while I was under (ok so I lost the bet) that Bob turned to them and said "So does anyone have an idea of what we can do to prove to Pete that he was under".

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