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3. Sarah wishes she had the boys'

2. A wish to embarrass Sarah

1. You Are What You Wish

Sarah wishes she had the boys' energy

avatar on 2022-09-10 16:51:24

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Karyn did her best to give Sarah and her crowd a wide berth most of the day, but especially while changing for gym. There was something about the locker room that just brought everything that was different about them into stark relief, and Karyn knew she was better off avoiding it.

But today, the half-clothed girls of the locker room were all united against a common cause: the boys who were in the other locker room.

"Why do they have to make so much noise?" One girl asked as the sound of something crashing came through the wall that the two locker rooms shared.

"Boys are so gross," said another, "I'll bet they're wrestling on the sweaty floor in there or something."

There was another crash, followed immediately by a cheer that was loud enough to be heard clearly through the wall.

"We need to tell Coach Barry about this," Karyn added to the chorus of nay-sayers, and was joined by an unexpected ally.

"Damn straight, we do!" Sarah came up right next to Karyn. "Those fucking barbarians, I wish I had their energy, then I could march right into that locker room and straighten them out."

A bright flash illuminated the girls' locker room, briefly blinding all of its occupants, and bringing them to a stunned silence. When that silence concluded, however, it was with a moan emanating from Sarah, who had wrapped her arms around her stomach and sat down on the bench.

Once unified against the boys, the entire locker room now became unified in concern. What was that flash? Was Sarah hurt?

Well, the locker was almost unified. Karyn recognized that flash of light, and her mind was racing with possibilities. Had Jon done something?

But her thoughts stopped short as someone shouted "give her some room!" and a wave of girls pushed backwards, away from Sarah, to give her space.

The girl, now lying on her back on the bench, was writhing left and right, twisting folds into her white gym shirt and her panties. Her legs squeezed against one another as she brought her knees up to her chest, then back down.

"What's happening to her crotch?" someone asked. Karyn, who'd been right next to Sarah when whatever was happening had started, had a better view than most. And she had to agree, something was definitely happening to Sarah McMillan's crotch.

Sarah's legs stretched straight as her whole body tensed up, and then there was a pop. And every girl in the locker room could see a bulge protruding from the front of Sarah's panties.

The cheerleader shuddered, bucked a few times, and straightened out again. And the bulge grew slightly bigger. She let out a scream as an undulating began within her underwear, up and down, with every rise lifting the fabric farther and farther from her skin, until a very distinct shape began to form.

The assembled girls all began to make noises at once. Was that what they thought it was? How could this happen? Was it contagious?

The murmurings rose into chatterings and then shoutings and then screamings until everything crescendoed as Sarah released a gutteral cry and managed to pull her now-uncomfortable underwear down her legs.

For a second time, all the girls were stunned into silence. Then the locker room door slammed open. "What the hell is going on in here, girls?" It was Coach Barry's voice. "The boy's coach just told me they can hear you all from their locker room. There's no way you can be that--"

The coach stopped with a gasp as the crowd of girls parted before her, revealing the center of the commotion: head cheerleader Sarah McMillan, lying on her back on a bench, with a massive dong that she shouldn't have, draped over her thigh.

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