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3. Mother knows best

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish

Mothers knows best 1

on 2017-07-17 14:47:19

2656 hits, 161 views, 1 upvotes.

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Scott and Ragan lived together for 2 years now and had been dating 3 years before that and it didn't look like it was any closer to them getting hitched.
Rachel's mother, Alyssa, is a middle aged stay-at-home mom. She has been ever since her last 2 pregnancies had severe complications. She just could never find the motivation to return to work. Instead she lived it up everyday on the couch watching her favorite soap operas and complaining about how the world is so messed up and with opinions about everything from how the her sons need to be more active in school and her husband needs to do more work around the house. She also found time to admire all of her celebrity crushes. Claiming to be the leader of all the fan clubs.
Alyssa does not drive. She claims it is her dislexia. But really she is lazy and paranoid and doesn't want the responsibility. And with a husband and 4 kids who are fearful of her getting depressed, they did almost whatever she wanted to keep her happy. Alyssa did however volunteer at her kids elementary school still, even though it had been nearly 5 years since her last kid attended. She just liked kids.
Alyssa's 2 youngest sons were graduating high school and leaving the nest within the next year. She recently became more and more obsessed with the cats of the neighborhood. Owning 2 herself, she has an innate desire to be a caretaker for helpless animals and babies. With scott and ragan being together for so long, she wanted nothing more than for them to get together and give her grandchildren that she could coddle and spoil and take care of.
However, Alyssa's oldest child, her only daughter, Ragan, is the most rebellious of her 4 children. Alyssa and Ragan always bumped heads while raising her. Ragan would go out late and date boys her mother did not approve of. Finally, Ragan was going out with a very attractive boyfriend who Alyssa found quite dreamy despite him being her daughters age.
Ragan and scott kept saying they are taking things slow and in no rush to get married and have kids.
One day, while yelling at her kids and husband to clean up the house, Alyssa went down into the basement to make comments about how everything is a mess. Her husband had an obsession with bringing home old artifacts he found at yard sales and thrift shops. Alyssa was in the middle of complaining about why there was lamp that looked it came from Aladdin in her basement when she stubbed her toe on a box.
Furious, she picked up the box and looked inside and saw a bunch of jewelry. "I'll take this with me" she notified the boys and she hurried upstairs.
Alone in her room, with her cats, Alyssa decided to look through the jewelry box. Nothing too fancy, there were a couple things that caught her eye that she figured she would have her husband clean up so she could wear it out. "Gosh, he will do anything I say" she thought outloud.
Then she saw something odd. A little box, she opened the little box to find...

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