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7. Everything looks the same

6. Jon's Fantasy

5. Who else, but Karen?

4. Femdom with mind control

3. Jon’s Fetish

2. A Horrible Mistake...(Reboot)

1. You Are What You Wish

Everything looks the same

on 2022-09-15 02:41:14

1828 hits, 240 views, 7 upvotes.

FTM Inanimate Omni TF Unaware

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When their eyes had sufficiently adjusted, this is what they saw...

To Karen, it seemed like nothing had happened, she was still sitting on the edge of Jon's bed, exactly as she was, and he was still where he had been prior to the wish, near the head of the bed.

Franticly checking himself over, Jon screeched, "What the absolute F#$* Karen! What were you thinking?"

As she examined Jon more closely, she could clearly see he was genuinely distressed, but seemed none the worse for wear.

Ignoring his outburst, she responded. "I wonder why it didn't work...?"

Focusing on the thought, she made a second wish, "I wish I knew exactly what my last wish did."

Realizing that Karen was about to make a wish, Jon lunged for the rock, but just a fraction too late, as the flash dissipated, Jon realized that Karen was now well and truly in charge.

The look in her eyes was a mix of amusement and sheer power.

Standing and strolling casually around the room, rock still in hand, Karen managed to almost fully control the smirk on her lovely face, "so Jon, it seems that my first wish actually did work, and now we are in for some fun times ahead, isn't that right my helpless little hypnoslut?"

Jon was both mortified and aroused in equally staggering amounts. He watched passively, as Karen continued her slow tour of his room, stopping every now and then to pop open a cupboard, slide open a draw and peek briefly inside. Reaching into his underwear draw, back right-hand side, she deposited the rock without comment, in the exact spot Jon usually hid it.

Retaking her seat on Jon's bed, she announced, "I don't think we will be needing that for the time being."

Jon remained utterly silent; on the one hand this was going to be his dreams come true, his fantasies brought to life, on the other, it would also likely mean that his real life would be irrevocably altered, his relationship with his best friend for as long as he could remember, changed forever, and all the while, Jon's erection remained harder, fuller than ever before.

Karen reached out and gently took Jon's hand in hers, then looking him straight in the eyes said, "So, it seems that thanks to your rather detailed fantasy life, which I am now a large part of, I have a whole slew of new skills and abilities that I am just itching to try out. Wanna guess which one I want to try first?"

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