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21. DTH: BDLG: Hop 27 - Time for a

20. DTH: BDLG: -Hop 27- They get t

19. Further walking

18. DTH: BDLG: - Hop 27 - Arrival

17. It's lunch time

16. Jonni's Turn

15. Makeup art class

14. Off to English

13. Dakota McKenzie

12. Jon has a girlfriend

11. Time for dance

10. New rules, same school

9. The walk to school

8. Getting ready for school

7. Breakfast

6. Lavender Shock

5. A restless night

4. Nothing happened...yet...

3. A wish for something interesti

2. Heading Home

DTH: BDLG: Hop 27 - Time for an exit

avatar on 2022-09-16 20:23:44

378 hits, 57 views, 0 upvotes.

Body Swap FTM Inanimate Myth NBM Omni Part Swap Super Unaware

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"I'm not sure I can –" Jon's words were cut short by the sound of a car pulling into the drive. He peeked through a gap in the rainbow themed curtains to see a car that looked a lot like his mother's come to a stop. He spun around to face Karyn. "It's my Mom," he said.

"So?" Karyn asked.

He pointed to himself. "If she sees me like this, she'll have me arrested as a deviant or something."

"I want to discuss the distorted time thing," Karyn said as they both heard the car door closing.

"Fine! I'll use the recall to get us out of this universe and you can hear all the details from the smart Jon," he said. The smart version of him was in DTH Jon's bedroom back in his home dimension.

Karyn shook her head. "I want your take on the situation first before I find out what he has to say."

They could hear the sound of the front door being opened. Jon glanced nervously in the direction of the room door. "Well where then?" he asked in a rather anxious tone. The worry about the approaching doom was clear in his voice.

"How about we stick with somewhere random," Karyn suggested, not bothered in the slightest by the approaching footsteps climbing the stairs.

"Oh, yeah that has worked out so well for us so far," he said sharply.

The feminine steps grew closer as Karyn grabbed Jon's free hand.

He quickly pushed a button on the DTH just as the door opened, sending them


"Jon is that you?" his mother asked as she stuck her head around the door. "I could hear you talking –" She stopped speaking when she saw the room was empty. She bobbed her head around to ensure he wasn't hiding. "Weird," she said before returning to the hallway in a confused state.

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