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3. DTH: Hop 29 - Natural Defence

2. Lesbian Porn

1. You Are What You Wish

DTH: Hop 29 - Natural Defence Mechanism

avatar on 2022-09-17 17:52:29
Episode last modified by Lido on 2022-09-27 16:11:24

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DTH Jon arrived from here

Taking a moment to work out exactly what was going on at this branching point, he looked towards his bed. The other Jon was lying there holding the stone. There was a smile on his face as the stone flashed.

Suddenly, Jon spontaneously combusted, burning brightly for three seconds, before being reduced to a little pile of ashes. This, of course, was the result of a defense mechanism built into the stone which was designed to prevent absolute power over reality from being held by stupid, horny people.

"Oh! My! God!" DTH Jon squealed loudly, "Why the hell did I have to see that?"

The high pitched moans from the television's speaker continued as the traumatised DTH Jon stared at the smoking pile of dust on the bed. He was oblivious to the low defintion feminine climaxes happening on screen as he tried to come to terms with his own demise.

It took several minutes for him to get over the horror that he just saw. Focus Jon, his subconscious mind screamed. "Hm, I guess this timeline is a bust then," he said out loud as he slowly pulled the DTH up to his face. There was only one place left to go. A branching point he'd be avoiding all this time. He looked on the display as what seemed like thousands of lines came out of it in multiple directions. Nearly all led to more branching points. It was the origin point, the day he told Karyn about the stone.

The earliest place the DTH could take him. The only place left he could recover a version of himself who had no future knowledge.

He began programming the DTH. It gave several loud warning bleeps as he entered the destination. If the stone's damaging effects were at there strongest it was at that point, DTH Jon knew it, as did the DTH.

He activated the dimension hopping device.

Sending him here

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