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3. Thank Goodness it Worked!

2. Karyn comes up with a fix

1. You Are What You Wish

Thank Goodness it Worked!

on 2008-07-12 03:04:40
Episode last modified by Noy2222 on 2018-09-21 21:52:04

4846 hits, 230 views, 2 upvotes.

Aware FTM Inanimate NBM Omni Part Swap SciFi

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"OK, let's see if this worked", Karyn said handing the box with the stone back to Jon.

Jon watched as Karyn squinted, pursed her lips, scowled, and made a number of other indescribable faces, some of which where quite humorous.

"It's not working", Karyn wailed.

"Uh, Karyn. Aren't you forgetting something? No matter how many entertaining faces of concentration you make, I still can't hear you", Jon laughed.

"What? Oh ... oh yeah! OK, I want my hair, no never mind the hair. I want my breasts to change to a 34-B in size." Karyn held her breath in anticipation before gushing a frustrated cry of "It's still not working".

"Maybe you have to say 'I Wish' as if you were holding the stone? In fact, I hope that's the case, otherwise just about anything you said to me could be construed as a change inadvertently", Jon said nervously.

"I wish my breasts to change to a 34-B in size", Karyn declared.

Jon's mouth hung slightly agape as he watched Karyn's chest deflate before his eyes. It was as if someone was letting the air out. It was mesmerizing, although it couldn't have taken more than a few seconds. Jon was pleased for Karyn, but a little disappointed for himself. He liked the large full breasts on her.

"It worked", Karyn squealed as she jumped up in delight. Her happiness instantly transformed to an embarrassed grab at herself as her now smaller but still ample breasts bounced up and nearly out of her now too large bra and top.

Red faced, Karyn turned her back to Jon and said "I wish my clothes would change in size to fit me properly". When nothing happened, Karyn tucked herself in modestly in her still ill fitting top and turned back around in confusion. Only then did she realize that Jon had stood up and was now several feet away. Covering her loose top with her left arm, Karyn stepped up to Jon and again said, "I wish my clothes would change in size to fit me properly". This time, her clothing began shrinking like time lapse photography only to have her gasp in pain and turn back around and begin madly adjusting as her shrinking sagging bra mashed the wrong spots.

"Damn! Not only did it work, that was one of the most entertaining shows I've ever seen", Jon guffawed.

Turning back to face Jon, Karyn scowled and pointed her finger at him in preparation to bawl him out, but before she'd gotten a word out, she began laughing. "It was pretty funny, wasn't it?"

"Yes it was! OK, now that you've got a handle on your little problem, I need to put this somewhere safe. Placing his hand on the stone, Jon said " I wish this stone and box were back in my special hiding place that only I know about".

Even with her recent up close and personal experiences with magic, Karyn still found it amazing to see the box just suddenly disappear from Jon's hand. "That is just spooky", she whispered.

"That's spooky? You have a strange sense of awe Blondie if that's what amazes you."

"Blondie? ... Oh right!" Saddling up close to Jon, Karyn declared, "I wish that my hair would change to a deep auburn color."

"Now that was interesting! Your hair didn't simply change color in an instant. The color seemed to come up from the roots and sweep down your hair in a scintillating wave."

"If my hair color is back, then there's only one other thing I need to do." Grabbing a fist full of Jon's shirt, Karyn said "I wish your raggedy old shirt was brand new and had all of its buttons". This time it was Karyn who got to watch as Jon's shirt 'un-faded' and crisped up before her eyes.

"Hey, that was my favorite shirt", Jon mockingly complained.

"That wasn't a shirt, it was a rag! Now it's a shirt again. Just how long have you had that shirt, it looks too small?"

"It stretched with wear. Now that you've un-worn it, you've ruined it," Jon said as he quickly unbuttoned several puckering buttons that were threatening to pop.

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