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3. Jon Prepares the Room for Othe

2. Room of Eternity

1. You Are What You Wish

Specifics of Eternal Space and Time

on 2008-10-13 04:45:05

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Age Aware Herm Musc

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When Jon closed the Door behind him, what he saw before him was nothing. The place was a large expanse of white, stretching on into Eternity. Jon's mind could not comprehend such vast blankness, so he created a simple four-walled room with a floor and ceiling.

Jon immediately set to work to expand the room, creating more walls and doors of many varying colors. Not yet ready to create the rooms inside, he simply named each door with different themes to be expanded upon later. After all, he had all the time in the world. Knowing that other people would be coming here and changing their own rooms and selves, Jon included rooms where everything was left to chance. So far, he had come up with, Physical Transformation, Mind Alterations, Sex, and Random.

Not only that, but he named some game rooms as well. The ongoing list included Laserstar, where the lasers changed whatever body part they hit, and watersports, where the temperature of the water determined the person's gender and sexuality.

But that's when it hit Jon that he could change himself and his own mind since he too was in the Room of Eternity. Starting small, Jon concentrated on his hand and made it bright blue, then to red, then back. Awesome, no limitations like the stone. The Room had interpretive skills, so when Jon concentrated on a girl form of himself, he didn't have to imagine too much: the Room took care of the rest.

Checking out his new boobs, Jon smiled and thought that with no limitations, he could do just about anything to himself. He wondered what would happen if he changed his mind as well. So, to match his now beautifully feminine body, Jon made himself act and talk like a ditsy cheerleader but be aware that his mind had been changed.

"Like, this is so cool," Jon said out loud, marveling at his new perky voice. But Jon had more work to do, so he restored his own mind and got back to establishing his domain. In addition to furnishing the common area that led to all the doors, Job went to each room and created physical boundaries and specifics for each. Some had sex toys, some had laser guns and foggy trenches, some had pools, some had strangely colored liquids in different vials. One was dedicated to living out the participant's deepest desires simply by the room reading his or her mind.

Throughout the hours and hours that Jon worked, he summoned food and drink and changed his body constantly. After what could be considered 26 straight hours of work in real time, Jon finally sat in the common room to admire his work.

The time had come to let other people into the Room of Eternity.

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