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4. buxom blonde and b-my bride

3. Am I getting cucked?

2. Another try

1. You Are What You Wish


on 2022-09-25 11:38:17
Episode last modified by ImmoralImmortal on 2022-09-25 13:34:07

1104 hits, 157 views, 0 upvotes.

Aware Inanimate MC MTF Magic Musc Myth Part Swap Part Theft SciFi

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"I wish that Karyn was the poster child for the ideal buxom blonde but also blind- my bride" said Jon. An engagement is much easier to cancel than blind love, or do he thought.

Suddenly Jon found himself at a completely different venue standing in front of all his relatives, but for some reason they were all very nicely dressed.

"And do you Karyn take him to be your..."

And just like that Jon was pulled out of his trance. He was at his wedding with Karyn.
"What the earth? Isn't bride the same thing as fiancee? Don't tell me they're only a bride at their wedding?" Jon thought

"Jon what did you do? I can't see anything!"
Jon's attention is pulled towards the absolutely stunning woman standing by his side who was suddenly clawing at her eyes.

"Oh no, she's going to make a scene about the stone in front of all of our relatives before I can fix this" panicked Jon makes another wish...

"I wish Karyn would forget everything about the stone".

Suddenly the world freezes once more and everything seems to go back a few seconds
"I do"

sword maiden from goblin slayer

Karyn was no longer clawing at her eyes and Jon finds himself being presented with a pair of rings by a young man about his age whom he assumes must be the best man though he doesn't know him.

"Just how much have things changed?" Wondered Jon

"I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" says the priest.

With that Karyn suddenly extends her arms towards, which Jon needed to duck to avoid getting hit, before pulling him in for a kiss. With that a chorus of clapping arises from the crowd.
Jon and his new wife step down from the pulpit, Karyn tripping on her dress and almost falling if she hadn't holding onto Jon's arm tightly.

"Jeez what have I done to her" thought Jon "I wish she could at least get around just fine on her own".
Suddenly her grip on his arm loosens as they make their way to the towards the wedding cake.

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